Seduction Part 2

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In her chamber, Adia also struggled to sleep as she thought of this new boy that now lay in her harem. She may have to humor him a bit she thought. Maybe let him ask some more questions. She wondered how much more intellectual stimulation Egan might require compared to her other boys. After all, he was a college educated boy and well read. He was an advocate of women's rights. But oh, how she wanted to seduce him. Show him what life would be like in service to her. It might take something special to get him to submit fully — to be hers.

It was early in the morning when Egan opened his eyes and noticed the Harem Mistress standing over him. He sat up a bit startled "um... good morning... err... Mistress" he said a bit unsure of himself.

Magda smirked at him, "her Highness has requested your presence. Can you prepare for an audience yourself? The other boys are still asleep."

He nodded at her and went to change into the fresh silks Tup-Tup left for him the night before. These silks provided a little more coverage than his other ones. He slipped the silk tunic over his head, the fabric falling around and clinging to his muscular chest. A silken undergarment for his nether-regions completed the skimpy outfit. Not sure what to do with his makeup he decided to wash his face. Preparing as best he could, he walked towards the Harem Mistress and held out his hand. She promptly led him away, much like a mother would lead a child.

He was led into a central garden surrounded by ornate stucco walls with murals he assumed to be representations of historical events — primarily naked boys at the feet of tall, stoic women in military garb. At the edge of the garden was a small breakfast table set for two. The Sultana sat at the table sipping tea and eating a small piece of toast with jam.

"Sit," said Adia offering him the other chair. He complied sitting next to her. She found it strange to be having breakfast with a boy sitting next to her. She was so used to boys kneeling beside her no matter the occasion. 'But I did say I would humor him,' she thought. She maintained her dominance easily with blue-green eyes that seemed to pierce right through him.

Egan looked over at her and said with his eyes lowered in reverence, "thank you for inviting me to breakfast Sultana Adia." He thought she looked more beautiful in the sunrise and he stiffened a bit as he tried to smooth out his tunic.

"I have time for two more questions sweet boy," she said smiling down at him as she lifted his chin to look into his eyes. It was difficult for him to let a woman touch him in this way— she was so dominant, he did not know how to respond. He thought it best to comply and looked into her eyes and blushed a deep red.

He thought for a moment waiting for a question to pop into his mind. Adia sipped her tea stoically while she waited for him to speak. "Thank you, Your Highness. My question is regarding the men's level of education. Do men have the opportunity to receive formal education in your country?"

She nodded, "yes sweet boy, boys here are very educated. They need to be intelligent to know how to please their women." She smirked as she finished her sentence.

"Um... that is good to hear... I think," replied Egan. "So, there are men in places of higher learning?"

"Brainless boys do brainless jobs," retorted Adia, "keeping the company of a strong, intelligent woman such as myself requires a boy to have many talents including carrying on a conversation, being able to sing or play an instrument, and of course being well versed in the sexual arts."

"Sexual arts?" inquired Egan.

"Yes, sweet boy. How to please a woman sexually," she replied. "Well, not just how to please her, but learning to seek pleasure only for her satisfaction and need. For example, we know when women are most fertile. We teach our boys when to spill their seed to induce pregnancy or remain childless depending on her menstrual cycle. This is crucial information all boys need to know."

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