The Seduction Part 1

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As Egan tossed and turned unable to sleep in the harem, he recalled his first meeting with the Sultana. Seeing the beautiful woman, he had come to interview shivering next to the fire he immediately had wrapped her in his coat tenderly.

When the Sultana's eyes met his for the first time a wave of feelings fell over him that he could not understand. His deep blue eyes glistened as he smiled thrusting his hand out to shake hers. He was taken aback when she presented her hand to be kissed. He blushed and graciously complied.

"I'm certainly not used to kissing ladies' hands," he said.

"As I am certainly not used to sitting in coffee shops waiting for reporters." she quipped.

"Err... yeah... sorry about that" he said blushing again. She read him very clearly as she was trained to notice male interest. "Please.... Um... Sultana.... How should I address you? What is your name?"

"You may address me as Sultana Adia, The Matriarch of Kahni," she said in a very matter of fact tone. "And you are Mr. Egan Gorman, the prize-winning male feminist reporter. I've read your work, Mr. Gorman it's why I agreed to this interview." She smiled at him and sat back in her chair sipping her tea as he fumbled nervously for a pen.

Having settled himself, he gave Adia the once over. Her smooth, lightly tanned skin was glowing next to the fire. He followed the freckles that left a trail of random dots on her arms. He studied her face, her jet-black hair, and her impenetrable blue-green eyes. The curve of her dress revealed her very shapely hips and bottom. He became so lost in his exploration of her that he failed to notice her observing him staring at her full round breasts.

He cleared his throat and pulled out his small notepad beginning to write "ehemm.... so sorry Sultana Adia. Where would you like to begin?"

She giggled at him "What do you want to know Egan?"

Through the chatter of the coffee shop, they began discussing her country and how she came to be Sultana. Egan could not believe there was a country that was run entirely by women. When he asked her how she would compare her role and title to that of the Queen of England her face lit up with a smile, and she replied "I am not a prop... I run my country with my group of female ministers. I have the final say in every decision that is made for my country and its people. No one is above me."

"Yes, Sultana. And these ministers what do they do?" Egan inquired.

"They advise me of course," Adia said. "Each minister has a role they follow. One advises me on foreign affairs, another on the internal affairs of my country. I have a minister who advises me on economics, education, infrastructure, health, and many other things of importance to any leader."

"And all of these posts are held by women?" Egan asked trying not to sound shocked.

Adia nodded, "Who else would fill the roles?"

"Well, men Sultana. So, men and women truly do not have equal status?" Egan flipped the page of his small notebook continuing to write furiously.

Adia looked at him with a fire in her eyes and said passionately, "men ruled my country once very long ago. Their leadership created a country destroyed by war. Women have led Kahni for 125 years, and 125 years now my country has prospered."

Egan sat there breathless for a moment in awe of what Adia had recounted. She ended talking about her mother and father. As she recalled her mother's early and sudden passing her eyes began to water. Wordlessly he reached out and placed his hand on top of hers. It wasn't a completely conscious movement, but something drew him to her.

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