Love lasts - chapter 24 - when i bleed.

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I got home after school and went straight to our room to change. With everything that been going on lately, I haven't had time to go hang out with friends, if you could even call Toni and I friends. I quickly changed into a midi length sundress and ballet pumps. Even if it was just Pop's with Toni, I knew I'd be seeing Jughead at some point and I wanted to look nice (not that he would mind how I looked). I grabbed my phone and text him quickly. "Hey. Where are you? X"

Jughead – waiting for you

Betty – oh crap I forgot to tell you I walked home so I could get ready to go out x

Jughead -  ha ha that's okay. Where r you going? And who with? X 

Jughead – that sounded less annoying and controlling in my head

Betty – you goof. Um... I'm going to pops with Toni believe it or not. She approached me toady saying we got off on the wrong foot and she thought we could be friends. She seemed really genuine so I agreed to go out with her. X

Jughead – are you sure that thats a good idea?

Betty – why not?

Jughead – betty... you dont know half the things the serpents do, or the things toni did to me before you and I were dating. Shes not a good person betts.

Betty- I think id rather judge that for myself thanks. 

Jughead – im just trying to protect you. I know she must have some alterer motive here. 

Betty- yes, because no one could possibly want to be my friend just because they like me. 

Betty – how could I have been so dumb. 

Jughead – betts you know thats not what I waas saying. Why are you so mad?

Betty – why am I so mad? Geez, you really do not get it do you?

Betty – whatever jughead. Just leave me alone. 

I knew jughead didnrt mesan it like that, its justbthat I was really exited to make some new friends after what happened with archie, but also afraid. I was really close to him and them he broke my heart and them turned out to be a complete douche.  Toni wot be like that though. I could tell when we spoke earlier thst she mean t what she said. 

Toni pov

I got hoome and quickly changed into a different shirt because I ha been ot alll day in my sweater. Go figure dumbass, its summer.  Then mt phone rsng and I picked up. "archie."

"ho toni, we still on with the plan tonight? Id she take the bate?"

"um... yeah. She did."

"good. Good. You know what to do, but only if the time feels right. She wont trust you fully form this one interaction, so just set up for the big drop but we may have to wait a while before we put the plan into action."




"you got this"

and I hng up. Sighing, I text betty "hoe does 430 sound?"

"great. See you then :)"

ugh. I feel so bad for doing this. I never meanrt to get in this deep, nevermind what has to happen next in archies insane plan. You see, I got in on the operation break up bughead as archie calls it (what a dork) undre the assumption that I have a crush on jughead and hate the fact hes with betty. This however could not be further from the truth. Im gay. Im only doing this to stay well and truly in the closet, but I'm nt dure im rwady to destroy a relationship for my owm... I was about to say happyness, but misery is more accurate. I hate this. Ugh. 

Well. Im n too deep now. We'll see hoe tonight goes. Maybe shes a bitch and breaking her heart will be easy. Probably not. Definatly not.

unedited sorry not sorry :/ sorry for slow update, i have an exam tommorow and life currently exists of biology flashcards and relative atomic mass. oh well .so yeah... i split this into two parts so you could have an update sooner. next part should be up soon :/ we shall see. - lizzie

also huge thanks for 1k reads! i know its not much but i didnt expect 10 reads so... thanks

ps vote if you enjoyed xo

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