love lasts - chapter 18 - blondie blondie (part 3)

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Jughead POV

After that strange class with Toni starring at me, it was our mid morning break. Betty grabbed my hand as we walked out of the classroom with a thank you and a good bye to the teacher. She began to drag me along the corridor to the Blue and Gold news paper room. "Betts? Are we going to the news paper room? I didn't think we were working today." I asked, a little disappointed as I had been hoping to spend our break relaxing together. "We're going to the Blue And Gold, but not to work." she smirked, turning briefly back to face me.

When we got to the room, she dragged me inside and shut the door quickly. "why are we-" I got cut off by Betty kissing me harshly and slinging her arms around my neck. I kissed her back and held her waist so that she was close to me. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and we pulled apart and Betty huffed, blowing up a loose strand of hair and making me chuckle. I went over to the door and answered it. "Archie. What the fuck do you want." I scowled. "Can we talk" he said with a slight frown. "alone?" he glanced at Betty quickly. "fine" I said and went back over to Betty. "I wont be long baby." I said and kissed her softly. She nodded and I walked back to the door and left with Archie, leaving Betts alone in the Blue and Gold.

Betty POV

Jughead left with Archie and I was left alone in the newspaper room. I was just praying that Jughead didn't take his head if about that god damn ring. I went over to the desk and decided to work on some homework while I had some free time so that I could just relax when I got home.

I was half way through algebra homework when the door creaked a small amount open and my head snapped upwards to the far side of the room. "Blondie blondie. All alone." hissed the voice of a dark haired boy. He wore a black leather jacket and black jeans with a grey shirt and black Timber land boots. He looked strong and was easily head and shoulders taller than me. I recognised him, but I couldn't place him. "I'm sorry, you are?" I asked nervously. "Oh come on Blondie. Surely you remember me?" she smirked. That was when I figured it out. He began to saunter over to me, I think he was supposed to look sexy, but he sort of looked drunk and drowsy. "You're that guy from Pop's who threatened me and Jughead. You said you'd mess up my face." I said plainly, not at all afraid of this guy. If he was going to do something, he would have done it by now. "Oh please. I'm very sorry, but your little boy toy is a fucking dick. I had to do that. I never meant to scare you." he said with a hint of sincerity. He half sat on the edge of my desk and I leaned back uncomfortably in my seat. "Um... its okay. I get I you were mad. Just please don't do anything like that again. I know Jughead annoyed you, but he really is a good guy." I mumbled. "What was your name again?" I asked, feeling bad that I didn't know. "Sweet Pea." he mumbled in shame, I tried not to laugh. It was admittedly an odd name for such a tough guy. "And you are?" he asked me "Betty." I said with a small smile. He held out his hand to shake mine "Nice to meet you, Betty." he said. I took his hand and shook it. "nice to meet you too, Sweet Pea." I greeted, even tough we've already met.

Just then, the door creaked again and I looked over Sweet Pea's shoulder to see a very angry looking Jughead. "Juggy! Hey. Sweet pea just came here to apologise for what he said the other day." I said, getting up from my seat and walking over to my boyfriend, but he walked straight past me and went to Sweet Pea. He grabbed the collar of the serpent's jacket and shouted in his face "Get! Out!"

Sweet Pea made a swift exit and Jughead slumped into the chair. 

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