Love lasts - chapter 11 - harsh critics

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Jughead POV

"Mmmm this is exactly what I needed" Betty hummed with a mouthful of waffles from pops. We were huddle into a booth at the famous chocklit shoppe, sharing the same side of the booth and eating a huge breakfast. I had bacon, eggs, sausage and toast while Betty ate waffles with fruit. We sat in near silence, enjoying the company. At a glance, we were a young couple with a kindling love, meeting up early before school for a romantic breakfast. Happy. That was true. We were happy.

I honestly don't remember how it all started, just that she had been laughing. That sweet, high chuckle that make me bleed happiness was cut violently by a callous hiss. "Jones. Funny seeing you here. " Sweet Pea slithered to the other side of the booth and dropped into a seat. "Sweet Pea. Now isn't the time. " I hissed back.

Sweet pea was a teenage serpent. Betty knew that I was an honorary serpent, I wasn't actively involved in that life but I was a mediator for the serpents and bulldogs, and my dad was their leader. The serpents aren't bad people, just misunderstood. Sweet pea however? He was pure evil. The devil.

"What do we have here? Hmm? Is this a little date? Jones is this your bitch? " he smirked "Don't you dare talk to her like that!" I yelled. "Juggy?" Said the soft voice beside me. Always the calm in the eye of the storm. "Juggy who is he?" She said, worried at my outburst. I looked down into her eyes and smiled at her sweet face. "He's no one. And now he's leaving. " I said, directing it more at Sweet Pea. He scowled and got up. "Just you remember Jones, snakes don't shed their skins so easily. " he clearly think Betty doesn't know about my association with the serpents. "No they don't. What ever little game you playing, it stops now, Sweet Pea."

Betty POV

"That's a pretty girl you got there Jones. Be a shame if someone messed up that pretty little face."  The dark haired guy in the leather jacket said teasingly. I felt Jughead's hands tense under the table, and suddenly he was standing, dragging the other boy out of the booth by his shirt "If you hurt her, or you threaten her one more time I swear to god I'll kill you!" He screamed. The guy just smirked and walked away. He stared at me as he did so, looked me up and down and winked, then exited the diner.

Jughead dropped down into the seat next to me and took my hands in his. He looked as though he might explode. "Juggy... who is he?" I asked

Jughead POV

"He's a serpent. A rebel serpent at that. He has an axe to grind with me. Thinks in a traitor for being friends with northsiders and dating a northsider and being on good terms with the bulldogs. Says I'm weak, even though every time he beats up a bulldog I'm the one who makes sure reggie mantle doesn't come after him with a crow bar. Look I'm sorry he threatened you, I never wanted you to get hurt by this and I promise you, I'll protects you forever, Betty. He'll never hurt you. Ever. " she nodded and kissed me slowly on the lips.

We payed for breakfast and drove to school, heading to out spot to meet Kevin, Archie and Veronica.

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