Scene 10 - Jericho

Start from the beginning

I stopped when I saw a gap in between the wall that resembled where a door would be. I carefully walked through it and it lead to a balcony or catwalk of some sort. The wires coming from the ceiling were holding it up at the hand rails but I could see the walkway swaying slightly from the breeze closing in from the holes in the walls. It was risky to try and cross it. But I want to know who that person was, and where they went.

I stepped near the catwalk but instead peered over the railings to see what was below it.

I saw androids. Over 20 of them at least, all surrounding different places on the ground. There were lit trash cans and broken robot parts scattered everywhere. Most of the androids were either talking quietly to each other, or badly injured and trying to heal themselves. 

What is this place?

I took a step back in shock at what I was seeing, but clenched my eyes shut when I felt the metal creak under my shoe. The noise alerted a woman android closest to the balcony and she looked over at me. I hid behind the corner, hoping she didn't see me, but I heard her and another android whispering to each other. Then I heard them get up from there seats and start walking towards the stairs on the other side of the wall, but it led directly to the door frame I was hiding behind. I quickly ran back down the hallway I came from but my steps made them big up the pace. Now all of us were running.

I hid behind a chunk of metal and peeked out from the side of it. The woman ran past, followed by the other android. Their footsteps faded so I assumed it was safe. I slowly stepped out and scanned the hallway, back and forth. I ran blindly in the other direction but bumped into someone. I fell backwards and landed on the floor, staring up at the stranger. My heart caught in my chest as he was holding a metal pipe and a flashlight that was hurting my eyes. I backed way in fear until I hit a wall and started breathing rapidly. "Please don't hurt me!"

He walked towards me quickly but he didn't seem dangerous. "Woah, it's okay uh....little girl? Don't be scared" He said calmly and placed his weapon on the ground gently. He held his hand out for me to take. "My name is Markus. What's yours?"

I tried to slow my breathing and it worked for a little. I cautiously took it and he pulled me hastily up off the ground. "I'm (Y-Y/n)" I replied nervously.

He smiled and gestured me to walk with him. I followed him sceptically though the hallway, still scared of who he was. I know now that he's an android. "So, (Y/n). What brings you here? This isn't exactly the place for humans".

I remembered how I got here and what I was doing beforehand. "I was looking for my friend. I went around Detroit but I couldn't find him anywhere. Then I ran until I found this boat and saw someone go inside, so I followed them here..... I just want to find Connor". My voice saddened at the end. Markus continued walking but placed a hand on my shoulder.

"If he's one of us, he'll find his way here. Don't worry". He reassured. 

"Us? Are you a deviant?" I asked curiously. 

"I guess you could say that. We're androids who..... open our eyes. See what wasn't there before. Try and make the humans see us as equals". I nodded in understanding and continued looking forward. Deviants are just like I thought. Although, Connor wouldn't just show up here for the fun of it, and he probably doesn't even know I left the motel room. Maybe he doesn't even realise I'm gone...

No. Don't think like that. 

We turned a corner and I realised that we had just gone back to the main room full of androids. We went down the steps and Markus guided me over to a seating area in the corner of the room that had a fire in the centre of the circle. I sat down in time for two more androids to come frantically running into the main room. The woman locked eyes with me and approached us quickly. 

"I knew there was someone here!" She exclaimed. I backed away off the seat and stood next to Markus.

"Easy, North. She means no harm" He directed. "She was trying to find her friend lost".

"She's a human, Markus. They all say they mean no harm and look what happens when we trust them" She protested and gestured to all of the broken and deactivated androids in the room. She doesn't think I'd do that to them, does she? 

"I want to help androids" I said in the middle of their argument. They both turned to me in surprise and confusion. "Connor. He's an android like you. But the other humans are making him find deviants and destroy them. That's why I need to find him. So I can change his mind and he can be like you".

North narrowed her eyes. "Markus, can we talk?" She asked, but didn't wait for an answer as she grabbed his arm and dragged him over to one of the abandoned rooms, shutting the door behind them. The other android who was chasing me came and sat down next to me along with someone I haven't seen before. They introduced themselves as Simon and Josh.

Markus's POV

I closed the door and looked over at North. "So what do we do now?"

"Well we can't let her go. She'll go to the police. They'll know about Jericho and no one here will be safe". She stated.

"So how do we help her? She's only young, so she can't stay here, it's too dangerous".

She paused for awhile. It gave me a bad feeling that she had a plan, and not a good one.

"What if we use her?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"She has a connection to the police, she said it herself that this 'Connor' is an android hunting us down. If we hold her captive then the humans will recognise how serious we really are. They won't take us seriously otherwise, Markus, we need to show them".

I looked at her in disbelief. "North, think about what you're saying! You want to hold a little girl hostage to prove we can think and feel emotions for ourselves?! How will that help our situation? We agreed to protest peacefully, so that's what we're going to do". I directed firmly.

She crossed her arms and looked at the ground like a child would. Why is she so convinced that violence will solve this? 

"I hope you know what you're doing Markus..." She went to leave the room but stopped by the door. "You need to come up with a plan.... Your people depend on it". She then left the room and returned to the main area while I stood in the same spot, looking down at the ground in deep thought. I walked over to the old bed in the corner of the room and and linked my hands together. 

We need a plan.

Connor's POV


AM 03:40:23


We've been looking around Detroit for the past two hours but we still haven't found (Y/n) anywhere. We've been in the car, driving around the area but it's a high possibility that she ventured a few blocks away from the motel. She must have woken up and realised I was gone. If she went looking for me, who knows where she could be right now.

Hank stopped the car on the curb and the vehicle skidded to a halt. I looked down at my feet in fear and guilt. I should have looked after her better. Hank sighed and looked at me and saw the state I was in. He frowned and awkwardly patted my shoulder. "We'll find her, Connor. But it's getting late. You should head back to the motel. We can always try again tomorrow".

I looked up at him with sadness but nodded in agreement. "When you drive back to your house, could you keep an eye out for her on the street?" I asked.

"Sure" He gave a small smile. I smiled back and got out of the car. I stood on the sidewalk for a moment, thinking about the situation while the sound of the car leaving soon faded away behind me. I carelessly walked back into the building and entered the room we rented. I sat on the bed and held my head in my hands. I looked up at the ceiling, then unconsciously scanned the room. There were objects that she had touched before leaving the room, but no evidence to suggest where she went. 

Right now the deviant cases were the last things on my mind. Finding (Y/n) is my top priority.

Explaining this to Amanda is going to be thrilling...

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