"You're not going to run me off a cliff are you?" Danielle asked jokingly closing her eyes nonetheless.

"Not quite," Jade replied, laughing as Danielle's eyes flew open. "I'm just kidding. You're safe with me."

"I trust you," Danielle said, closing her eyes again. She just missed the blush spreading across Jade's cheeks.

"Let's go," Jade said, letting go of one of Danielle's hands and staring to walk forward slowly. "I just have to trust that you won't open your eyes."

"You can trust me," Danielle replied, and Jade could hear the smile in her voice. 

"Alright then," Jade said, taking the opportunity to lean in and press her lips to Danielle's quickly, pulling away laughing before the taller brunette could open her eyes. 

"That wasn't fair," Danielle whined, leaning in herself. Jade turned her face so that Danielle's lips landed on her cheek. 

"Not until we get to where we're going," Jade tutted. "Now close your eyes."

Danielle rolled her eyes playfully, but closed them nonetheless.

"How much farther?" She asked after a few minutes of walking. 

"Almost there," Jade answered, turning back to make sure Danielle had her eyes closed. Before she knew what was happening, Jade had collided with another person, sending them both tumbling to the ground.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry ... " Jade's voice trailed off as she realized who she had fallen on top of. 

"Um, hello," Perrie said sheepishly, waving her hand awkwardly. "Fancy meeting like this."

Jade let out a long breath, forcing herself to tear her eyes from Perrie's. "Hi Perrie," she said softly, turning and accepting Danielle's helping hand, then offering Perrie hers. 

"I should have been looking where I was going," Jade said apologetically, pulling Perrie up and quickly letting go of the blonde's hand. 

"It was my fault too," Perrie replied, her eyes shifting between Jade and Danielle, her expression unreadable. "I was looking down at my phone because I had received a text about Lily."

"Is everything okay?" Jade asked, just now noticing the dark circles underneath the blonde's eyes. 

"Well, she fell off the top of the monkey bars yesterday at her preschool and broke her arm," Perrie replied. "She's in the hospital receiving a second surgery for the break. She went under a couple of minutes ago, and I'm just taking a walk to clear my head."

"Oh my god!" Jade gasped. 

"Who's Lily?" Danielle asked. 

"My daughter," Perrie replied, smiling as Danielle's eyebrows raised. "And I'm guessing that by your expression you just did the math."

"No, I'm not judging at all," Danielle shook her head. "I just can't imagine what it's like to have a child."

"Can I see her after surgery?" Jade asked worriedly. "How long until she gets out?"

"I'm sure Lily will be happy to see you," Perrie said. "She's been asking for you almost every day."

"She has?" Jade asked quietly, a pang of guilt shooting through her body.

Perrie nodded. "I understand if you want to see her without me in the room," she said. "I'm sure she'll be very happy to see you though."

"Why wouldn't you want her in the room?" Danielle asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

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