I Need You

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Ivan's Pov :

Ughh. Another day of school. Worse. Monday! Mondays were almost always the worst day of my week. It meant another week of insolation torture. Just because of my past and my strength every one avoids me it seems. Even the teachers are scared, so sometimes they don't tell me about things or give me papers they normally would to anyone else.

What is my background? Well, I used to be bullied. Gilbert and a few of his friends always bullied me and called me "gay" and other shit. I am not gay, they are just ignorant buffoons. I always knew that I was stronger than them and stronger than I let on. They never knew what was coming. One day in the halls Gilbert slapped my face as a crowed gathered round.


Gilbert : "You gonna do anything bout' that slap bro?"

Me : "I just might if you continue talking to me."

Gilbert : "Is that a challenge, gay boy?"

Me : "It just might be"

He took a step back and looked ready to fight. I did the same. At this point everyone in the crowd was struggling to see us and yelling "FIght! Fight! Fight!"

He ran at me fist charging right where my head was, but not where it is now. I bent down and kicked out his legs. He fell on the ground face first.

Gilbert : "Oh it's on you GAY fuck!"

He stood up and started bouncing around like it was a boxing match. I was freakishly tall, so it was time to use my height against him. I was tired of constant verbal bullying and even being punched, even though I never fought back. Till now.

He ran towards me, but I kicked the locker next to me really hard and it flung open. Gilbert ran right into it and the door broke off its hinge and it fell to the ground. At this point you could see some teachers trying to get to us, but the kids were purposely blocking them to continue the fight.

Gilbert looked like a bull who had just seen red, but I was the one holding the red cloth. He was still slightly dizzy from hitting the locker, so I took it to my advantage. I swerved around him and picked him up by the legs. He was strong, and he was tall, but he was weaker than me, and he was shorter than me. Actually, shorter than me by a LOT.

I took out a rope from my bad at hanged him by the feet to the roof on a light. The light was metal and hooked deep into the roof, so it held Gilbert. Because he was upside down he was super dizzy and couldn't see anything. But he could feel it. I used him as a punching bag.

I hit his head so hard I could see a tooth fly out. At this point Matthias got out of the crowd and ran out. He was Gilbert's main ally. I slapped him. Slapped him so hard his neck turned as if it were snapped. He fell to the floor, knocked out.

I continued using Gilbert as a punching bag, until you couldn't even see his face. It was all red with blood. His nose looked like a water hose. But with blood.

I quit after that. I walked to the water fountain to wash the blood of my hands. I wanted Gilbert to feel pain, but with no serious injuries. I was probably gonna be expelled now anyways. I took a cloth and wiped his blood of. I took a bottle of vodka out. I took a swig, then poured some on the parts of his face that were open from me hitting him to disinfect them. Just in case.

I untied the rope and laid him next to Matthias. on the ground. I walked away and then some kids helped carry them both to the nurse. The crowd still watched me, like there was a ghost in front of them, so I yelled;

Me : "WHO IS NEXT??"

That did it. They all ran terrified down the halls.

-ᴛɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ-

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