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Its ok if you agnore me I probably deserve it. You dont have to read this but if you want you can.

I'm sorry I have not been updating the story I just need to get this out. I always feel ignored, I only speak a couple words to my family before they do something else. My family barely make any physical contact to the point where I hate it when someone touches me. I'm always in my room trying to distract myself by reading, drawing, and listening music to keep me from falling apart, sometime all at once. I have no friends to talk to cause I'm home schooled. I have multiple anxieties and I'm pretty sure i have depression. I allways bottle my feelings because I always have to repeat myself and feel nobody will listen. I cant talk to anyone. I know that some think that I'm just doing this for the attention but I hate these feelings I get, I feel like I should not feel like this. No one really listens to me and i try to bottle up my feelings. I feel weak for crying, I dont really like anything about myself. I feel so scared all the time, I'm scared to be forgotten, i feel nobody takes me seriously and I am so scared to trust anyone because almost everyone I have met has either been fake or just hated me, I'm so self conscious and i cant stop thinking about the what if's. Please someone anyone send some kind of advice to help me please. Someone listen to my words. Please someone acknowledge me please, some dont treat me like I'm invisible. Please help me.

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