The Fall of a Dragon

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune here and as you all can tell, this is the final chapter of the Revelations Arc, but not the end of the story! We have three more coming up as well! Though since it was a tie, I'm the one having to make the call on the next story between Awakening and Birthright, and you'll find out what it is at the end of the chapter, so stay tuned for more!


I begin to wake up and I feel a strange sensation, as if someone was smelling me. So then I open my eyes to see Velouria just smelling my entire body.

V:"I can't get enough of this's so intoxicating~"

"Vel, I think you have a've done nothing but smell him for the past couple minutes..."

Selkie:"I mean, I know he smells welcoming and all...but that's a bit much even for you."

(Y/N):"Can you please remove your face from my groin..." Her face then goes entirely red as she gets off of me.

V:"Your awake?!" And then the rest of the girls started laughing at Velouria's reaction.

(Y/N):"Very...well, shall we get going and settle this once and for all?"

"Yeah, and then we can finally get this done and over with! We'll finally have peace!"

Peri:"Wait, what about killing bad guys?"

(Y/N):"You can still do that with people who break the law..."

Peri:"YAY!" I softly chuckle at that then, well at least she's happy, but then we set out, aiming to finally finish this once and for all.

-THE FINAL TIME SKIP...I think...-

We were inside the throne room, and we were sort of curious on where exactly Anankos is, after all, Gunter isn't Anankos, we know this. But then a bunch of strange...magic I think, flew into that face and then it started moving. Wait...Anankos is just a face?

"So...this is Anankos."

Anankos:"I've been waiting for you, Corrin."

"Anankos... You've been toying with us for far too long."

Anankos:"Why? Why is it wrong to manipulate humans? Your race is weak. It's forgotten its place in the world-forgotten its benefactors. You exist solely for the amusement of your betters-dragons! So answer me, Corrin! Why am I the one left to suffer? Why am I the one left to die? Why do humans flourish while I am buried here...ignored...forgotten? TELL ME WHY!"

Then we watched his eyes light up and then his face open up and he roared...that was fucking creepy, like I think he needs some medical help for that.

Anankos:"Answer me! Answer me, you pathetic little humans!"

"Ugh! How's this for an answer?!" We then watched Corrin run up and hit Anankos, but it didn't do anything...this isn't looking good. "It can't be... The Yato didn't even leave a scratch..."

Anankos:"You dare bare your teeth at me?! Lashing out with your sharp sticks... Corrin! I will take your pathetic life. Then I will make your body my own. You're one of my bloodline. You will serve as a vessel for me!"

X:"As if we'd let you! Everyone, protect Corrin!"

R:"We'll stop this monster! Don't let Anankos anywhere near him!"

Anankos:"Impudent fools... As though you simple creature could ever stop a dragon!" We then watched Anankos open his freaky mouth and spit...magical bubbles at us, I think this might even beat Leo's Magical Tree Book, this ain't good... But the magical bubbles hit Xander and Ryoma, sending them flying.

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