One Big Family Reunion

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune here and as you can tell, this is probably going to be one of those longer chapters, and for a good reason as well since these two are back-to-back. But as you all know, Corrin was the winner for the marriage option and the only question I have is when should it happen? Besides that, who else should be bedded as well.


I soon wake up, and once again I see that Lady Corrin had fallen asleep on my and...she's nude again. So I try to move my hand to her head and rub it, seeing if it'd maybe stir her.

"Morning (Y/N), but please, let's just sleep a little longer..."

(Y/N):"Isn't Kagero in here as well, what if she saw you like this?"

Kagero:"I'd be concerned for your safety, (Y/N). Who knows how Lord Ryoma would react to finding out that his little sister slept in the nude with someone..."

"Oh hush... I'm sure he wouldn't care. I do this a lot more often than you think. Not to mention that I've had to treat his injuries before back at the castle I was at after he saved me from a bear that had somehow got inside... Luckily it didn't leave a scar, but I never left his side because of how worried I was."

(Y/N):"Lady still didn't do what you were doing now...and I remember telling you that I was alright, and that you should keep going, I'd recover on my own...yet you didn't listen...but I was glad to have company during that time."

Kagero:"So you two seem to have quite the history..."

"Yeah, that is true... But still, hard to believe that our friendship started out with you trying to pickpocket me."

(Y/N):"I was starving...what would you expect?"

"You have a point, but still... (Y/N), why do you seem to be rather nervous around me whenever I'm wearing anything less than casual clothing?"

(Y/N):"Because who wouldn't be?"

"Nevermind...but lets get ready to head out, okay?"

Kagero:"As you wish, Lady Corrin."

(Y/N):"I'll be awaiting your orders then."

Me and Kagero then left as Corrin got ready and soon assembled us to march out.

-Queue The Army Shuffle-

We soon arrived at some weird flaming fire land place, and of course the royals began to talk then. Though...I didn't see anyone here strangely enough...

E:"Aw... There's no one else here..."

T:"It looks like neither Ryoma or Prince Xander were swayed to join us..."

C:"Let's not give up yet. The skies above Nohr and Hoshido haven't changed."

A:"Still, there isn't a lot of time left. It's getting more difficult to see the difference between noon and night."

S:"I never knew what it looked like when the skies changed..."

A:"Hm? Someone's approaching."

"That's...Hans and a Nohrian army!"

T:"Instead of getting Prince Xander's cooperation, we get an assault!"

C:"I can't believe he would do this!"

" your answer, Xander?"

A:"Listen to me, Corrin. You must stay strong. We can't lose here, or all we've done will have been for nothing."

I thought that Xander didn't like Hans though...

Hans:"Follow me, you scum! We'll hurl the Hoshidans and traitors into the canyon!"

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