Loss of Trust

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I start to wake up and try to move my arms, and to no avail, then I remember what had happened last night.

(Y/N):"Corrin...hey, please wake up...my arms and legs are sore."

"No, five more minutes..."

(Y/N):"Corrin please..."

Then a knock sounded at the door then, which that got her attention then.

"Don't come in! I'm not ready!"

R:"Okay, I won't come in but I wanted to speak with one of your retainers, (Y/N). I can't find him anywhere though, do you know where he is?"

"Y-yeah, he's in here."


Then she panicked and covered both of us, and started to undo my bindings when Ryoma kicked the door in, seeing us both.

R:"You...You." He just drew his blade and pointed it at me. "You are going to be on the front lines...if you don't die, then you can be with my sister, if you die... then so be it."


R:"Sorry Corrin, but it must be this way otherwise I'd very well kill him..."

(Y/N):"It's okay Corrin. I'll live, don't worry about me." I give her a warm smile, telling her I'd be alright.

"Fine...but I'm going to ask you to please leave Ryoma, I'm still not decent under this blanket."

Ryoma just nods and leaves, closing the door behind him. Corrin then untied me and then hugged me.

"I'm sorry...because of me, now my brother doesn't like you...and I'm certain he's going to tell Xander as well, which will only add to the problem."

(Y/N):"It's okay, I'll survive. I always do." 

"I guess you do, don't you?" She then chuckled a small bit then before getting dressed, and I decided to dress as well then, and after that, she handed me another Seal, but this one seemed different.

(Y/N):"What is this Seal, Corrin?"

"It's a Vanguard Seal, it will let you become even stronger than you were before, and it will give you an even better chance to survive as well."

(Y/N):"Thank you, Corrin. I'll use it right now then." Which I then activated it after she gave it to me, and thus...I changed once again, and I have to say, I look stylish now.

"Now lets get going, alright?"

(Y/N):"Right, let's make haste."

-A Little While Later-

We were walking with the group, and Ryoma...I can feel his gaze piercing me, if looks could kill, I don't think there would be anything left of me.

Anthony:"We'll have to get past this area in order to reach Gyges."

E:"Hang on a second! Why are there floating islands?!"

C:"My, now that is interesting... I'm guessing that we can use those bridges to cross between the floating islands."

S:"Those bridges look pretty old, though... You don't think they'll...break...do you?"

Anthony:"No, this is the direction I came. We'll be all right! Probably."

H:"Probably? Probably isn't very encouraging. It looks like there are enemies stationed in our way, too..."

T:"But if this is the only path, we'll have to move forward."

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