We Messed Up...

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune here, and guess what, you all can choose a name for the new blade we got, just leave a comment at the very end of this chapter and I'll name it based on popular opinion, of course I'm going to put one name in, just simply due to the fact I like it. But anyways, onward, to the story!


I start to wake up and look around...yet I wasn't where I had fallen asleep, so where was I? I began to stand up, being a bit cautious as I took note of my surroundings, there was a few katanas around, and not to mention the smell of sweat...odd.

???:"He's awake...finally..." I turned towards the voice to see...the Samurai from yesterday, Hana

(Y/N):"Hana? Why am I here?"

Hana:"Because you walked out on me, you didn't come back for sparring!"

(Y/N):"So? I didn't want to spar right then and there...plus I was going to see about getting a new blade in the morning." I then stand up all the way and stretched a little bit.

Hana:"We're going to spar, we have to see who's stronger!"

(Y/N):"So you abduct me while I'm sleeping...totally sound logic..." Her face then went a bit red.

Hana:"Well what else was I suppose to do, you were sleeping in a tree, I thought you were going to fall out!"

(Y/N):"So...you were just concerned for my wellbeing is all."

Hana:"I guess...but come on, let's spar!"

(Y/N):"Fine...but only after we're done with what we were here for."

She seems to accept this and let's me leave then, so I make my way to the Dusk Armory to get myself a new Steel Sword, since we have one in the inventory, I could have them combined to make a stronger weapon then. So that's what I did, I brought the blade into the Forge and upgraded it before we set off to the next target.

-A bit of a walk later-

We soon arrived at the Eternal Stairway, and it seemed that Lady Corrin was having some trouble with all the stairs as well.

(Y/N):"Are you all right, Lady Corrin?"

"By the gods, how many steps are there?"

A:"I don't know... However, using the Eternal Stairway is the quickest way to our destination."

S:"Azura, you said that we're heading to Izumo, right?"

A:"Yes. It's our best chance of avoiding conflict with Hoshidan forces. Izumo has declared neutrality and won't allow fighting of any kind on their land."

S:"Hey... Is it me or is the fog g-getting thicker?"

Then suddenly, Faceless appeared from nowhere, this isn't a good sign at all, this could be bad.

S:"Eeeeeeeeek! It's the Faceless!"

Kaze (K):"Stay back, Lady Sakura!"

"Hya! Ha!""

G:"I will cut you down!"

All of us with weapons started to try and attack the Faceless then, but soon disaster followed, the Faceless disappeared and there was two...people lying on the floor.

"What?! Everyone, hold your attacks! The enemies we defeated... They aren't faceless! They're human!"

A:"Oh no, it can't be... These are members of the Wind Tribe!

I then heard some weird laughter and looked around and saw Iago before he warped off somewhere...

"It can't be... I don't understand. Was this a trap? A trick of some kind?"

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