The Death of a Queen

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When the morning hours finally came, I opened my eyes, only to see some red hair in front of my face, so of course I scream out in fright, causing this red-head to sit up startled, it seems it was Lady Hinoka.

"Why the hell did you scream?!"

"What was I supposed to do?! I wasn't expecting to wake up next to someone!"

"Still, would you like it if I screamed in your ear as you were sleeping?!"

"N-no, but still...wait...why are you in here?"

"I was here to make sure you didn't try to steal a horse or a Pegasus and kidnap Corrin again!"

"First...I wasn't the person who did that. Second...I don't even know where Lady Corrin is...this place is enormous, and not to mention I don't know my way around here. Third, you told me to sleep in the stables..."

"I didn't think you'd actually do it!"

"What did you think I was going to do?"

"I don't know, something else!"

"Well...sorry, I think?" I began to scratch my (H/C) hair in a bit of confusion due to this situation.

It would seem that my scream got someone's attention though as Ryoma himself came over with his blade ready. "I heard a scream, is ever-"

"It's not what you think!" I try to make something up. "I just woke up here and saw her next to me, nothing happened!"

It would seem that Hinoka shook her head vigorously, agreeing with me. "I just wanted to make sure he didn't try to take off and kidnap Corrin!"

He just sighed as he put his blade away. "All right, whatever you say...I'm just going to leave you two here..." And thus he left, and Hinoka turned to me, glaring a bit.

"I still don't trust you, you know that, right?"

"Yet you trust me enough to sleep in the same room as me..."

Her face went red after I said that and she slapped me before storming off, I rubbed my face as I got up and left as well, going to head to Lady Corrin.


I arrived in the throne room with Hinoka, Ryoma, and some other strange fellow, and inside there was already some other person I hadn't seen before as well as Queen Mikoto and Lady Corrin.

"I would like to make a public announcement. There have been rumors circulating about spies from Nohr infiltrating the castle. I would like to quash those rumors once and for all. Yukimura, is everything ready?"

"Yes, milady. People are beginning to gather at the plaza."

"Excellent. Thank you. Corrin, I've arranged for Takumi, Hinoka, and Sakura to give you a tour. I thought you might want to get to know the area a little bit before this event. I need to speak with Yukimura first, but I'll meet you at the plaza soon."

"We'd be happy to show her around. Thank you, Mother." I glance at Hinoka as she said that.

"Azura, do you mind going with them as well?"

"Not at all. It would be my pleasure."

I sort of jumped a bit hearing the voice, looking to see her standing somewhat close to me...hopefully no one saw me jump...

"Thank you, Azura." Corrin gave her a smile as she said that.

"Of course, Corrin."

"Hmph." I'm assuming that this guy was Takumi...again through process of elimination.

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