Too Many Ninjas

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Hey guys, it's Kitsune and since you guys are loving this story so much, figured I would start making the next chapter for you all, so if there are any grammar mistakes, please forgive me as I'm starting to write this at 1:15 in the morning...and I got some coffee being made for me. But besides the point, just fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!

I fell asleep typing this thing at 2 in the times, you know?


I start to wake up, last thing I remember was eating some food that lady gave me, what was her name? Obu? Oborops? Ohboi? Oboro? That was her name, Oboro! I then try to open my eyes...only to realize that I'm blindfolded, I try to speak, only to feel a gag has been placed there...this is great, what's going to happen to me? I get my answer soon when I feel someone slap my arse.


Oboro:"Oh shut it...I know your a spy, just waiting to pick us off, one by one...I want to hear your story...and then I'll confront Lady Corrin and ask if she even knows you herself! I bet I'll find out that you're blackmailing her!"

This lady is truly crazy...or she just dislikes Nohrians that much...

Oboro:"So, let's see what the evil scumbag says..." She then undoes my blindfold and gag then.

(Y/N):"Why are you so mean?! I'm not evil..." Q_Q "Also...why did you abduct me...I was going to get some sleep and then you just drugged me and...where am I?"

Oboro:"You're in my tent...and I'm going to call Lord Takumi over as well if you don't answer my tell me, what's your name?"

(Y/N):"I already told you but's (Y/N), happy?"

Oboro:"And now tell me, how long have you supposedly been serving Lady Corrin?"

(Y/N):"About seven years now...why?"

Oboro:"Can you tell me why you serve her?"

(Y/N):"Sure, I don't see why not...she was walking through town in Nohr, and at the time, I didn't know that she had gotten outside her castle, I thought she was just some girl...and well, I was introduced to her when she ran into me and well...she ended up on top of me, we just stared at each other for a few moments before she got off of me and helped me up before apologizing profusely. I told her it was no big deal but still...she seemed adamant about repaying me for she pulled me to a castle then...where guards were awaiting her, she walked past them, still dragging me along...literally. Until she got to Gunter then, she requested that I be made into one of the staff at the castle instead of on the streets, of course there was some opposition, but she was able to make it happen. Apparently she knew that at the time, I had a bounty on my head for being a thief, so when she saw me, she purposely ran into that she could keep me with her I guess...why she trusted a street rat, who knows...but yeah, I lived there with her for a long time, and then I picked up the sword and decided that I would train to be her retainer, as a way of repaying her for her kindness...and from there it's history."

Oboro:"You're lying..."

(Y/N):"What do you mean?"

Oboro:"You just made that up, and do you know what we do to liars?"

(Y/N):"You give them a warning and let them go?"

Oboro:"We torture them."

(Y/N):"I like my idea better..."

Oboro:"Shut up and tell me the truth..."

Suddenly, I hear Lady Corrin calling out my name, as if she was a bit scared or something of the sort.

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