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the world,
never felt like worth to be in.

this life,
never felt worth to live.

never felt worth to wake up,
any day.

I didn't wanted to face the world.
I don't want to.

I've never felt good.
I've never felt like I'm fitting in.

all I do is look at others,
and I don't feel anything.

all I ever do is drive to the unknown,
drive and drive to see where the four wheels take me.

all I ever do is cloud my mind,
intoxicating my soul,
poisoning my heart.

all I ever wanted was to leave.
all I ever wanted was to just... do anything.

but I guess the world did wanted me,
cause fate showed me a way out of misery.

it was out of my imagination,
never thought that would be the answer to sorrow.

it was cliché,
embarrassing even,
but i didn't care.

I've hidden myself from this,
I've been afraid of this.

my hands sweat,
my lips quiver,
my heart skips a beat,
my soul for once is at peace.

all I ever asked for was for peace.

but the world never seemed to be like it,
this world, this city,
never felt like home to me.

anything felt like home to me,
Until you.

Until him.

we didn't spoke the same language,
we didn't know anything about each other.
I don't even know myself.

but I did fell for him,
it's weird to say so,
cause I didn't know him at all.

but yet again,
when is love normal?

love hits us hard,
and now I'm a witness of that.

all my life I've been hiding and protecting myself from feelings,
preventing me to get hurt.

but now I'm here,
looking at him,
smiling like a dork,
and I truly can't believe my eyes.

you are beautiful.
you're not the same as others.
you are yourself.

how I wish I could hug you right there,
right now,
all night.

nothing seemed to make sense in life,
I wanted to give everything up,
nothing ever felt good,
I've never had happiness before.

Until you.

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