Chapter 24

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The door to Gun's bedroom was closed behind him as the small male leaned his back on the wooden material. A wide smile spread across his face and his fingertips gently rested on his plump lips. He could still feel the fireworks blasting off inside his heart as his mind played the moment he shared with Off in the car. It was still so clear in his head and Off's gentle kiss still lingered on his lips.

It was such a magical moment Gun wanted to treasure for the rest of his life.


"I think I'm already deep in love with you too, P'Off."

By the look in Off's eyes, Gun was sure the older male was taken aback by his sudden confession. It really came out of nowhere and Off didn't expect that Gun would say that at all.

His eyes were fixed on Gun's beautiful pair, staring deep into his soul, as if searching for an answer for his unsaid question yet.

"Does that mean you agree to be my boyfriend?"

Gun was lost in Off's eyes as they stared at each other for a long time after the sweet kiss, yet the question really caught the younger by surprise. His face instantly turned red and he immediately tore his gaze away from Off, biting his lips with his eyes closed as if holding his voice down, feeling his heart bursting out pink bubbles.

How could a simple question like that make his heart jump around in his chest? Gun had actually heard that type of question addressed to him a lot, but he just didn't know it could have such a great impact when asked by the right person.


Off called for the younger male when he got no response from him, gently holding his cheek then lead him to turn his head toward him. Off was really unsure and scared of rejection, but he repeated his question nonetheless. He didn't know whether or not he would be brave enough to ask this question to Gun again after this.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

It felt like forever for Off as he waited for Gun to respond. He couldn't read the younger and his fear grew bigger by the seconds that passed. And when Gun finally nodded, Off's lips immediately parted, letting his jaw hung open in surprise.


His voice was soft, in pure disbelief, it made Gun chuckle at Off's unexpected reaction. It helped him calm a little, knowing that he wasn't the only one feeling lost in this emotion called love. The younger then nodded again. "Yes."

The firm answer instantly tugged Off's lips into a wide curve on his face, then he pulled the small male into his tight embrace, which Gun responded back with the same tight hug.

"Oh my God... thank you, Gun. I promise I'll treasure you with all my heart and soul."


"I can't believe I'm someone's boyfriend now." His voice was soft as Gun muttered those words under his breath, even though his own ears could still catch it.

The small male never imagined that there would be a day for him to finally be in love with someone, moreover to build a relationship with him. Even his wildest dreams wouldn't dare to picture that. But the image that never even peeked inside his imagination just suddenly appeared so clearly in his reality.

Gun would be lying if he said he wasn't scared anymore. The fear still ghosted around his heart and it sometimes would appear on the surface to daunt his spirit. It was never easy to beat your trauma, but he has decided to be brave and face it dead on. He also had come to a conclusion that it wasn't actually love that he was afraid of, but the pain that came with it.

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