Chapter 12

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Gun's eyes shot open as he suddenly woke up from his sleep, and he automatically stretched on his bed as he took a deep breath and yawned. His sight caught Pim and Phuwin still sleeping beside him as he rubbed one of his eyes gently.

Turning his body a little, the male then pulled out one hand toward his bedside table, grabbing his phone while trying to sit upright, leaning on the backrest. The time showed that it was already 10 in the morning, but there wasn't that many messages for Gun, only a bunch of unimportant notifications.

There was one message from his mom, though, asking about Pim and Phuwin, and another one from Off. He decided to reply to his mom before opening Off's Line chat.

Good morning, Gun.
Did you sleep well?

Gun frowned as he read the message, scratching the side of his head as he thought about what to reply. He was distracted, however, as he felt a little move beside him. Pim was already awake and was currently staring up at him in her sleepy state, scratching her head. His movements probably woke her up.

The older chuckled softly and put his phone back on the bedside table. "Good morning, lil sis. Hungry yet?"

Pim lazily pulled her body up to sit as she nodded in response. "Hmm..." Her eyes were still half closed.

"Then, let's find something to eat downstairs. Up, up!"

Gun stood up from the bed, ruffling her hair gently, before he headed toward the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. It took her a couple minutes of silence to gather her soul back into place, before Pim finally turned to her other side and shook Phuwin's body to wake him up. "Ge, wake up..."

When her cousin showed signs of waking up, the girl then got up from the bed, dragging her feet to follow her brother into the bathroom.

Gun let a small creak on the door, signing that it wasn't lock, so Pim just walked straight in, grabbing her tooth brush that already had paste on it. Her brother was just that affectionate toward her, the more reason why she loved him so very much and wanted the best for him.

"P'Off seems like a decent man. And I can tell that he really is attracted to you."

Pim started as she looked at Gun, who was now washing his face. The toothbrush she was holding soon made way into her mouth as she started brushing her teeth, eyeing her brother, expecting some kind of positive response. But what she got in return was a frown from Gun as he stared back at her with a displeased look, giving no words in respond.

The younger sighed. When would her brother learn to love someone? The least she wanted was for him to, at least, try and defeat the trauma - and stop sleeping around to get his heart fulfilled. What if he got infected with some kind of sexual illness? She knew her brother always played safe and clean, and it wasn't like he did it all the time, but still... she couldn't help but worry for him.

Cleaning his skin from the the facial foam he used, Gun splashed water on his face before wiping it with a small towel hung on the side of the sink. He then turned his body and put one hand on top of Pim's head, staring into her eyes gently. "Just hurry up. I'm starving." The older smiled, showing off his dimples before walking out. Phuwin joined Pim in the bathroom after.

The oldest of the three headed to his wardrobe to change to a more decent clothes, as he was only in his boxer and t-shirt, then moved to grab his phone on the bedside table. There was one Line message from Off.

Gun hadn't replied to his chat before, so he quickly typed a reply before he turned his head as he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

Wanna grab brunch together?

I'm going with Pim and Phuwin.

"Where's Pim?"

Gun looked at Phuwin in question, a bit confused as to why he came out first when Pim entered the bathroom before him. Phuwin shrugged lightly.

"She said she's not going outside without make-up on."

"Oh, c'mon Pim! We're only going downstairs." Gun half-shouted in protest, not getting why girls could be so complicated like that. But then again, that was probably the reason why he wasn't attracted to girls.

Gun's phone vibrated as another Line chat came, and the male contemplated a bit before he finally typed a reply.

Can I join then?
I have no companion. T.T

We'll eat at the apartment food court.


"Khob khun krub."

Gun pressed his palms lightly as he wai to the waiter who just placed their food on the table, flashing a friendly smile toward the male. He pulled his plate closer to him as he hummed in excitement at the sight of the chicken rice he ordered. His dimples were showing. He was so hungry and the food looked really appetizing in his eyes.

"P'Gun, can I have one piece of your chicken?"

The male shifted his gaze toward the girl sitting in front of him and nodded. "Er.."

Pim's face lit up as his lips stretched into a wide grin, immediately taking one piece of the meat from Gun's plate.

The three cousins were occupying a square table near one of the stands in the food court. Off was with them too. They met at the apartment lobby when they headed out. Off probably had or had not been waiting for them there for quite a while.

Pim and Phuwin had been exchanging knowing glances ever since Off joined in. It was quite obvious how they rushed to sit next to each other on one side of the table, leaving Gun with no choice but to sit closely beside Off. It wasn't that he minded, but he was still a little awkward around the older male, even though he tried to act casual around him.

It was also not helping that Off had been quite vocal with his feelings toward Gun, ever since he confessed the day before. It showed through his actions, especially on that current time when they were having a meal together.

Off suddenly brought one piece of chicken on Gun's plate to replace the one his sister took. "Here, take mine." It made Pim and Phuwin exchange another look before they cheered.

"Ohoooo..... I should've just taken the one from P'Off's plate." Pim smiled as she wriggled his eyebrows at her brother, a teasing look on her face. Gun sighed in displease, then moved the meat back to Off's plate. His face showed a hint of annoyance but he tried to stay composed.

"Khob khun na krub, P'Off. But it's okay. Just eat it."

Gun tried to smile as he pulled his plate further away from Off and placed his hand in the middle part of the table, trying to block Off from doing any other unnecessary thing. He didn't like to get that kind of treatment, especially when he knew the other's intention.


Off couldn't hide his disappointment at the clear wall that Gun was trying to build between them, yet he pulled the corner of his lips to form a smile, nonetheless. His eyes then met Pim's gaze and the girl could only smile apologetically at him. It was partly her and Phuwin's fault to make Gun reacted that way and turn the situation a little awkward for them.

The tall male nodded, assuring Pim that everything was fine even though he could feel how his heart sank at the rejection. Yet, he couldn't give up now. It was not even a month long that he was finally honest to himself that he liked Gun, and it wasn't an easy thing to do for him. It was also only yesterday that he confessed to the small man.

So, it was still too early to give up.

His battle had just begun.

And he refused to go down without a proper fight.


Sawadee khaa 🙏🏻

Sorry for the long wait, I kept getting distracted to publish this hahaha

I hope this chapter is good enough. I keep feeling that my writing quality is dropping lately, but I hope you all would enjoy reading, nonetheless.

And as always, feedbacks are much appreciated. Khob khun mak na kha~ 🙏🏻

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