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(Not edited)
Instagram: mama_adam._.draws

Yet, like a lost puppy, I follow you around feeling lost without you. Feeling as if you were the key to all my happiness.
It's gotten so much harder to breathe. To keep my eyes open. I'm so tired. Physically and mentally. My body is worn out.

These cuts. These bruises. These broken bones and lastly my broken soul.

It's become harder to fake these smiles as I've been doing them for a while now. But it's not like I can genuinely smile anymore.

I've forgotten what it's like to have real emotions. Because over the months all I've done was fake my smiles, fake my laughs, fake my relationship, fake my happiness.

F a k e
E v e r y t h in g
F a k e
M e

Eventually it got to the point where I could no longer cry, scream, be angry, jealous.

Jealous of the other people's happiness around me. Their freedom.

Every emotion that any person would have........gone. All that's left is an empty shell of what once was a happy girl who always went to her parents for advise, helped her mom cook and clean and write stories and draw as they laughed, trained with her dad and shared his humor in bad jokes.

The girl who went to her older brother when felt unsure of something, her twin when she needed someone to talk to, and her baby sister when she wanted to do makeup and play dress up and have tea parties.

"Nashi." I hear the voice of the man who was the cause of all of this.

"Come here."

I didn't obey. Instead I stayed seated on the couch not moving unresponsive.


I couldn't move. My body felt heavy as if it were made of lead. So I once again continued to stare empty minded into space at the blank screen of the tv.

"Fucking listen to my orders you little bitch!" He barked at me anger visible in his tone.


Foot steps make their way over to where I was sitting. Yet I still couldn't move. I didn't have the strength to even look up when his body came to a stop right in front of me.


The pressure of the slap was enough to make you head turn to face the window at my left.

"How fucking dare you don't listen to me!" He shouts

No response.

"Look at me." He says in a softer tone.

I don't listen.


"Look! At! Me!" He yells.

When I didn't listen again he grabbed hold of my chin and forced me to look up at him.

I could see the anger pooling in his eyes with a mix of frustration and annoyance as he glared down at me. His lips were in a deep frown and began to move once again as he spoke.

"Looks like I'm going to have to punish you." He spoke in a dark tone.

I feel my body begin to shake.

"no." My voice was barely above a whisper, but he still heard as I could see that his frown turn into one of his disgusting smirks

"What was that bitch? I couldn't hear you through your whimpering. Speak up!"

I closed my eyes as I shook my head feeling it drop as he was no longer holding my chin.


But as always. He never listened to my pleads as he grabbed my arm and began to drag me to the room.

He slammed open the door and threw me into the bed before crawling on top of my and straddled my waist as he held my hands above my head with one hand while the other made its way under my shirt and up to my chest.

I struggled underneath him trying to get him off me as he began to leave sloppy wet kisses up my neck and to my chin leaving a couple hickeys here and there.

I stopped struggling feeling my body go limp knowing that there was no point in trying to stop him. He was stronger than me and even if I used my magic he'll easily use his reflection magic that he learned to reflect anything I threw at him.

He ruffly kissed my lips forcing himself onto me. I couldn't stop my body from shaking with fear and disgust knowing what was going to happen the rest of tonight.

He removed my shirt kissing down from my cheek to my chest.

"I hope you learn to obey me more after tonight." He spoke against my skin sending shivers of disgusting down my spine.

That night I began to think if I had really made the right choice of staying with this man who turned from the sweetest guy to the most perverted man I've known.

I Hate That I Love You (NashiXStorm)Where stories live. Discover now