Chapter Three

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The biggest shock of her life. Aya still could not believe what had just happened. Byakuya had been the one to recommend her for this position? How did he know that she was 'qualified' as he said? She didn't tell him that she knew her Bankai. So how did he know? She had been so careful as to not let anyone know that she didn't want to know. So then how did he know, damn it?

She looked at Yamamoto when he stepped forward. "Those of you who still feel as if they deserve a position in this Squad, step forward. Captain Nara will make her decisions and place you where she believes you belong. However, since this Squad is still new, the rankings will stop at the fifth seat, until we are further able to organize help to determine your skill levels. Captain Nara."

Aya swallowed as she stepped forward, feeling the eyes of all of the Captains and the Soul Reapers on her as she looked out over the crowd. As she was fixing to speak, a male Soul Reaper, who she gauged to be around a couple of centuries based on his spiritual pressure, stepped forward, pointing up at her.

"I still don't fully believe that you're capable of this position."

Aya stared at him before she walked towards him. "So you're still doubting that I am not qualified for this position? Why is that?"

"A Captain needs to know Bankai and I don't believe that you know your Bankai. In fact, have you even finished learning your Shikai?"

Aya continued to look at him. "I see."

In less than a second, Aya had the point of her Zanpakuto at the mans face, centimeters away from his nose. "Let the darkness come, Higure."

Black smoke seeped out of the hilt of her Zanpakuto, swirling its way down the blade before it began to spin around it quickly, like a twister. Then, it began to extend. By the time the smoke wafted away, there was a long black handle stretched out by the mans face. Aya had moved back away from the man a little, letting the blade of her Zanpakuto, which was now a scythe, rest against the mans cheek.

"This is my Shikai. Now do you believe that I am capable?"

"Shikai is not Bankai," the man stated, seeming to be unfazed by the blade so close to his skin. Aya blinked. "I see. You will soon find that my Zanpakuto is even harder to convince than you are. Tell me, are you brave enough to speak to him?"

The man glared. "Why would I want to speak to a Zanpakuto belonging to someone like you?"

"So you are afraid?"

"And you're mocking me."

Aya smiled. "Well, prove that you do not deserve to be mocked."

The man stared at her for a second longer before stepping back, looking at her Zanpakuto. "Tell me your name."

"You think I'd tell you my name?" Higures voice responded, floating around them as he materialized behind Aya, looking past her head at the man. The man returned his gaze, seemingly unfazed once more.

"I was told to ask, and I expected an answer."

Higure was then in his face the next second, red eyes taking in the features of the man. Violet eyes, white hair, almost six five and muscular. "Someone like you, a disrespecter of my master, deserves to be punished, although your soul doesn't smell like it would taste very good."

The mans face paled, though it was only by a little a bit. "I see. Then tell me, even though I already know your name, why would she tell me to ask you."

"If you're going to be in my squad, you might as well get used to the presence of him. He is there even when you do not know it, sometimes when I do not know it. When Higure respects someone, whether they already know his name or not, he will tell you his name and you earn his trust."

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