Chapter Ten

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Aya stood in front of the Head Captain, along with pretty much all of the other Captains, as Yamamoto stared down at her, looking very old all of a sudden. Frowning, Aya shifted her arms around behind her back as she waited for him to say something to her. The wait was driving her crazy; what had she done to deserve getting arrested? More importantly, would Yamamoto believe anything that she said, since apparently he thought that she was guilty on something? After a few more minutes passed by in agonizing silence, Yamamoto finally deigned to speak.

“Aya Nara, what have you done?” he asked, staring down at her and crossing his arms over his chest. He was acting like a father who had caught her trying to sneak out of the house and was scolding her for it. Aya shook her head, once more shifting her arms as they were starting to become tense and achy.

“Head Captain, I honestly can say that I have no idea what you are talking about,” she admitted to him, a confused expression on her face. Yamamoto sighed, seeming to get tired of her faking confusion. “I am referring to the attack that was just put on the Soul Society by the mysterious creatures. We all witnessed the attack and to be quite honest with you, the creatures looked just like your Bankai does,” he stated, staring her down.

Aya squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze as he spoke to her. When he said that the creatures reminded him of her Bankai, she blinked and looked up at him. So had he really known about her Bankai the entire time? Then it seemed to register in everyone’s minds that he was accusing her of the attack because the Captains behind her all started to shift around uncomfortably, except for one. Kenpachi growled in annoyance and stepped out of his place in line, walking to stand next to Aya and look up at the Head Captain.

“You don’t honestly think that she would do something like this, do you?” he asked lowly, standing up for her. Kenpachi knew that Aya would never attack the Soul Society like the Head Captain was claiming. “Just because whatever those things were resembled her Bankai attack, doesn’t mean that she did it. It could be anything, because there are plenty of things out there that none of us know about. Besides, we have somebody who was with her at the time of the attack that can prove that she didn’t do it,” Kenpachi said, looking over his shoulder as the doors were slung open, a furious red head storming inside.

Renji looked around the room, his eyes landing on Aya. He strode confidently through the room, ignoring the unpleasant murmuring coming from the Captains, until he was by Ayas side, looking up at the Head Captain along with her dad. Aya was busy staring over at Renji in shock. She had honestly never seen him this mad, except for when they fought against one another. So what was wrong with him now?

“Head Captain, I must protest you arresting this woman. Aya was with me when the creatures attacked the Soul Society. She had no idea what they were any more than we did,” he stated in protest, feeling Aya’s gaze on him. Right now, he needed to focus on the Head Captain and the others, lest they try to stop his protests to help her. Yamamoto looked down at Renji in displeasure, sending Byakuya a glance before turning back to face the three in front of him. “Renji, while normally I would take your word, I cannot at this moment. On something such as this, we would need more than your word,” he stated. Renji stiffened in annoyance, wondering why his word wasn’t good enough for Yamamoto.

“Then whose word do you need?” he asked bluntly. There was no one else there but he and Aya; who else could he get to protest her innocence? Yamamoto opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something else, when a cold feeling passed over everyone in the room. “Would my word be good enough?” a voice hissed out, sounding very displeased. Yamamoto looked around, his gaze landing on Aya after surveying the room. “Why don’t you ask your Zanpakuto to show himself?” Yamamoto asked. Renji frowned, glancing over at Aya. Would Higures word be good enough to convince the Head Captain that she had nothing to do with the attack on Soul Society?

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