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Renji watched from the bed as Aya walked across the floor, grabbing her shihakusho and sliding her arms into the sleeves. It had been a week since everything had changed, since everyone truly learned what the woman standing in front of him was. Even for Renji, that had changed. He had known then what he truly felt for her and he was going to make sure she remembered that for the rest of her life.

Her arms were still bandaged up, but Squad Four had created an ointment for her that was quickly healing her wounds, all while keeping them from scarring. Renji was grateful, glad that she wouldn't have any kind of memory of what had occurred. When she had awoken in his arms, she had seemed dazed and confused, as if she didn't remember anything at all.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Renji was broken out of his thoughts by her soft voice and he smiled at her, stretching out across the bed.

"I can't help it," he admitted, which was true."Come back to bed."

Aya smiled, but she shook her head.

"I can't. I've got to go see to my squad, at least for a while. How about, you wait for me there, and be there when I get back?" she asked, walking over to quickly kiss him before heading out the door.

"Agreed," Renji stated softly, looking back up towards the ceiling. He was glad that Aya had been brought back and he intended to never let her go, ever again.

** Here it is! The final (rough) draft of An Angel's Blood! I will be going over to finish up the final editing, but here you all go! I hope you enjoyed/enjoy it! **

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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