Roses Save The Day

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Tord Pov:

"Smirnoff?" I hold the bottle of Smirnoff up.


I toss the bottle of Smirnoff behind my shoulder making a loud crash behind us.

"Cola?" I hold up a cola can.


I fling the cola can behind me.

"Caramel?" I hold up a bag of wrapped caramels.


I drop the bag on the floor making all the wrapped caramels litter the floor.

"Chocolate?" I hold a box of chocolates out to him.


I hurl the box of chocolates to the wall making the heart shaped box dent.

I look at the last item...


"Roses?" I hold up a bouquet of roses.

Tom stops walking which makes me stop walking behind him.


Tom turns to me and gives me a uncertain face.

I smile and hold out the bouquet of roses to him.

Tom looks down at the roses like if he takes the roses he'll be losing against me.

Tom lightly sighs then slowly takes the bouquet of roses from me and hugs them to his chest while looking away from me with a blush.

I gently hold his chin and turn his face toward me.

"I'm sorry Tom.. I didn't mean what I said.. I really didn't.." I give him a look of desperation. "I hadn't taken my medication at the time because I was stupid and thought I could handle the stress of the army without it... And when I decided to come save you instead of the army I was tired and just so stressed.." I sigh. "When I heard the only reason my army and myself had been being tortured was to test me on my "Trust and Loyalty" my mind which wasn't in the right place thought that it was bullshit and it made me say things I really didn't mean... I'm so so so sorry for saying the things I did... I.. I hope you can forgive me Tom..."

Tom looks dazed before he starts to sob.

I hug him tightly while making sure the roses don't crush between us.

After a minute of Tom sobbing onto my shoulder he pulls back and looks up at me with wet eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Tom whispers.

I lean down and kiss him with my eyes closed.

After a single minute, Tom drops the roses and wraps his arms around my neck.

I love Tom so much...


Sorry I haven't been writing a lot guys...

I just created my first Alpha Den (basically a safe space on my bed) and I've just been so relaxed in it that I haven't gotten to writing

I hope you all can understand :)

I hope you all can understand :)

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(My Den)

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