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Tom Pov:

3 am..

3 am and still no sleep.

"Matt are you awake?" I ask Matt from my bed.

"Hm?" Matt asks in a sleepy hum.

"I need to tell you something that I should've told you hours ago,"

I sit up and Matt follows my action.

Matt turns on the lamp.

"What is it?" Matt asks me and rubs his sleep filled eyes.

"It's... It's about Tord," I say with slight sadness in my voice.

"What did he do?!"

"He.. Kissed me.." I look down.

Matt jumps out of bed and climbs on to my bed in almost a second. He gets close to my face and puts both of his hands on my cheeks.

"He didn't forcefully do it right?!" Matt asks me with panic in his voice.

"Well- um- he- um-"

Matt takes a quick deep breath.

"I'm sorry for panicking, take your time figuring out what to say," Matt says and lets go of my face then sits normally on my bed.

I take a second then take a deep breath.

"He looked like his was in some sort of trance... He kissed me too quickly for me to really stop him or say no. I guess it was forceful in a way, but it didn't feel forceful. It was gentle... At first," I say and whisper the last part looking down.

"At first?" Matt asks rather calm.

"Well I just accepted it after a while and kissed back, but when I started kissing back he got very passionate and rough,"

"Y-you kissed back?"

I look at Matt to see a hurt look on his face.

"Are you okay?" I ask.


"Can I have consent to do something... Unlike me?" Matt asks.

Unlike him?

Well I'm sure it can't be that bad.

He is Matt after all.

"Okay," I say.

Tord Pov:

So I decided to check on Tom.

Yes I know it's 3 am, but I'm nervous since Matt is his room mate.

Even if they're probably asleep.

I put my hand on the door knob, but then hear voices coming from inside.

"Can I have consent to do something... Unlike me?" I hear Matt say.

Then a slight pause.

"Okay," I hear Tom say.

I bend down and look through a small crack in the door.

I see Matt crawl toward Tom to the point that Tom's at the edge of the bed aka where the wall is.

Matt takes Tom's hands and pins them above Tom's head then intertwining their fingers.


Matt cuts Tom off by kissing him.

I feel a new feeling.

This feeling is making me grind my teeth and cry at the same time.

I feel angry yet incredibly sad.

What is this feeling?

Matt pulls back from the kiss and unpins 1 of Tom's hands to caress his cheek.

"Tom... I love you," Matt says to Tom.


I know this feeling.

It's jealousy.

I run away before I can even hear the response.

Tom Pov: *Morning*

I got called down here super early and I'm exhausted since I stayed up until 3 am.

I knock on Tord's office door and ask, "Permission to enter?"

"Granted," I hear Tord say.

I open the door and walk in closing the door behind me.

When I look at Tord I jump slightly.

He looks absolutely infuriated.

He looks absolutely infuriated

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(Art by me uwu)

"Are you feeling okay Red Leader?" I ask with slight fear.

Tord gets up with such power that his chair falls backwards and on to the floor.

He walks toward me quickly which by practically instinct I walk back quickly.

I hit the wall and Tord slams his hands at the sides of my head which makes me shake and cry.

Now I'm afraid.

No, not even afraid.

I'm petrified.

Tord kisses me without a warning making my eyes widen.

This time it isn't soft or loving...

It's aggressive and filled with hatred.

He kisses me to the point that I'm running out of air.

I almost pass out until Tord pulls away.

I fall to the floor coughing and gasping for air.

"Don't you remember what I told you?..." I hear Tord ask.

I don't dare answer him.

"I'll remind you then..." Tord says.

I hear a gun like noise.

My head springs up at Tord and I see him holding some sort of gun at my head.

"You're Mine Now," Tord says.

Tord pulls the trigger.


Don't worry!

This isn't the end!


When I say click it means it triggered a emotion or a realization

It's not a sound

Sorry dis chapter is so short (700 Words)

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