I Shot Tom

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Tord Pov:

I hate to say it, but I need my soldiers help.

Yes the dumbasses that couldn't figure anything out.

If you couldn't tell, I'm really pissed off because of them.

"The bombs are set?" I ask Paul and Patryk in a whisper since we're close to the base.

"Yes Sir," Paul says in a whisper.

"Then let's go," I say.

We jump through a open window and appear in the sleeping chambers of the soldiers.

Since it's night time all the soldiers are asleep.

I put a finger to my mouth signaling that we need to be silent.

Paul and Patryk nod.

We crawl across the room slowly making sure we don't make 1 single sound.

When we make it to the door we stand up and throw a poison gas generator into the room and close the door locking it.

I press a button and we hear a hissing sound meaning that the poison gas is filling the room.

Now we won't have to worry about the soldiers.

"Let's go," I say to Patryk and Paul in a whisper.

They nod and we quickly make our way through the hallway.

Now the plan is to find Tom...

I hear a sleepy giggle.


That sounds like Tom..

The giggle continues and we follow it.

We end up at a blue door.

I quietly open the door and see a blue and white room with a checkered bed.

There's Tom!

He's petting a cat... Wait is that Ringo?

He looks half awake and slightly drunk.

"Tom!" I say a bit too loudly.

"Huh? Is that you Tord?" Tom says without looking at me.

"Yeah! I'm here to save you!" I whisper yell.

"Save me from what?"

"Um.. From White Leader?"

"I don't need to be saved,"


"Quin's nice,"

"Tom he's the bad guy!"

"He doesn't seem like a bad guy..."

"He's been being nice so he can hurt you later! Now get up and come on,"

I begin to walk away, but Tom doesn't get up so I walk back.

"Thomas get up," I say more sternly.

Tom jumps slightly and says, "It's harder than you think Tord..."

I start to feel irritated.

I walk over to his bed and I grab his arm.

"Get up you drunk!" I say and pull him off the bed making him stand up.

I let go of his arm and say, "Now follow me."

Tom Pov:

"Tord I-"

"Just fucking follow me Tom!" Tord cuts me off.

I hear him walk away.

I'm a little nervous to tell him I'm blind due to how angry he is.

It'd probably irritate him more.

I try walking fast to make it seem like I can see, but I end up hitting my head on the frame of the door.

"Ow..." I say.

"Come on Tom! Stop being such a drunkard!" Tord whisper yells at me.

I gulp.

So if the door's here and I hear Tord to the right of me.. then there's a hallway to the right of me.

I grab on to the door frame and carefully move around it.

"I'm leaving without you. Patryk stay with the Jehovah's Witness, Paul come with me," Tord says.

"Yes Sir," I assume Paul and Patryk say.

"Wait how many people are here right now..." I whisper.

I hear 2 pairs of footsteps go far away.

"What's going on Tom? What's wrong?" Patryk asks and holds my cheeks.

"I-I'm blind Patryk... I got eye cancer and it made me blind..." I break into tears.

"Oh god Tom..." Patryk says and hugs me.

I hug back and sob.

Patryk pulls back and says, "We need to leave before they turn on the bombs..."

"Bombs?!" I ask.

"Yes bombs,"

"You can't bomb this place! I like it here!"

"Look Tom... Red Leader has been trying to find you because he thought you were in trouble... Now that he knows you were happy here he's definitely going to bomb this place and kill White Leader too,"

"No! Not Quin!"


"Quin is White Leader and he's been so nice to me all this time!" Tears continue sliding down my cheeks.

"We can't change Tord's mind Tom.. All we can do is save ourselves and get out of here,"

I can't just leave Quin...

Tord Pov:

How can Tom like this fucking place?!

It's not his home!

His home is with me at MY BASE!!

I kick open a door to see White Leader pointing a gun at me.

I quickly pull out my gun and aim back at him.

We start walking in circles while facing each other.

"Was Tom asleep when you found him?!" White Leader asks with anger on his face and looking at me with a glare.

"Why would you care?!" I ask returning the same glare and same angry face.


"He wasn't awake, but he was dizzy and I can only assume that's from you,"

"Half of that is true,"

"It was definitely from you you dumbass,"

"You're the dumbass if you think that side of the story is false,"

"What the hell does that mean?!"

"You'll find out soon enough,"

"Enough of this bullshit,"

I shoot at him but he teleports behind me and kicks me.

Instead of falling I roll on the floor and end up standing up again and aiming at him.

He teleports again and I end up shooting something else...

My mind gets into a daze as it tries to figure out what I shot.

"TOM!!" White Leader screams which makes me realize what I shot...

I shot Tom


I had a ending in mind where they're on the top of the building and Quin just falls off of it and teleporting away and Tom being fine

But this works too.

You're Mine Now (DISCONTINUED) [Old]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz