Chapter 6

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Should I make my chapters longer or is this okay?


"What happened?"

"How are you back?"

"Why didn't he kill you?"

The moment I woke up from passing out, everyone has been bombarding me with questions and frankly it is giving me a headache. Can't a girl get one second of peace. Luckily for me, Mom and my brothers weren't here. I had gotten back right before Alex was going to give them a call. It was decided that they didn't need to know. I was only surrounded by Stefan, Max, Laurine, Alex, Ben and Leo.

I had enough, so I yell, "Shut up!"

Everyone but Laurine does, "We need to know, Emma. Tell us everything."

I sigh, "As you know, I got caught. I managed to slip away and find the blueprints I showed you. It said that an attack was planned for tomorrow now. We need to start the evacuation now. Go to the biggest base which is located about thirty minutes from here. Seal up the entrances to the tunnels and take everything with you. Use all of our ressources. This place is burned."

With those dramatic words, I left to go pay a visit to Leo and Glinda. I think that since I am technically mated to his brother, he will help me understand my mate. My wolf is now busy ignoring me, still pissed at me for leaving my mate. It is worrisome. I think that the moment I let my wolf have control, she will run back to the castle. 

I left the base to go to the building we are going to evacuate to. Laurine was in charge of moving everything. As the leader, I had too many other duties, especially like my 'mate problem'. Quickly, I arrived at our new main base. I walked up to the room assigned to Leo and Glinda. Before I could overthink it, I knocked on the door.

"Come in. The door is unlocked!" called out Leo. I do just as he says, but when I come in, Glinda jumps away. I retreat into a defensive postion when Leo is just staring at us confused.

He asks his mate, "Glinda, sweetie, what's wrong?"

"She smells like him," Glinda hisses. 

Leo touches his mate, "Like the Alpha King, honey?"

Glinda nods, "Yes, his scent won't be forgotten easily."

Leo turns to me, "Boss, why on earth do you smell like the Alpha King?"

I sigh and let down my guard, "Let's just say you are my new brother-in-law."

They both gape at me, "What?"

I collapse on the bed, "You must not be informed. About two days ago, I was on a recon mission. Sadly, the Alpha King was there checking his guards. He caught me, but I escaped and made it back."

Glinda approaches me, "Oh no sweetie."

Leo still looks confused, but Glinda snaps, "Leo, the Alpha King is her mate. He hates her Organization. I hope you see the problem now."

Leo comes over to me, "Oh shit, Boss."

I wave my hand, "Call me Emma, apparently we're family."

Glinda frowns, "If the Alpha King is your mate, how did you escape?"

I smile sadly, "I was snooping when Troy found me. He called me 'one of the Alpha King's common whores' and tried to escort me out of the castle. Beta Axel stopped it, but I threw a hissy fit about him sleeping with a lot of women. I stalked off and left in the middle of the night."

Glinda gives me a hug, "I get it, Emma. The reason I got caught by the Alpha King is that I had detected that my mate was in the castle. When Leo came down into the dungeons to torture me, my heart broke in two."

I hug her back, "How did you work it out?"

Leo replies, "I visited her at night and never tortured her. I loved her and was willing to do anything to help her."

I start tearing up, "I doubt that is how it will work with Alec and I."

Leo gasps, "He told you his name."

I shrug, "First thing he told me besides telling me not to escape. I had woken up in the hospital and was about to jump out the window."

Glinda chuckles, "And that is why you are the Boss."

Leo asks, "What are you doing her?"

I explain, "I thought that you might help me with my problem. I can't tell anyone. Half of them will tell me to go back to him, namely my mother and the other half will want me to reject him."

Leo puts a hand on my shoulder, "You can't reject one of Royal blood."

I frown, "How come?"

Glinda tells me, "I tried to and it didn't work because of him being Royal."

Leo smiles, "And I have been grateful for my heritage ever since."

Glinda offers, "What do you want to do Emma about Alec?"

I stumble over my words, "I don't know. My wolf has been fighting me for control to run back to Alec. But my brain tells me that the moment he knows who I am he will try to kill me. I mean the moment I brought up my Organization he was crazy mad."

Leo sits next to me, "I know. I thought that you guys could protect us from him. I love my brother, but I love my mate more."

I look him in the eyes, "Is it bad that I made the opposite choice than you? That I chose my family, my Organization, my people over my mate."

He shakes his head, "Emma, your choice was in completely different circumstances than mine. I only had my brother to leave behind. You have like you said a whole people relying on you. Being the Alpha King or Luna is a big responsibility."

They are giving me so longed for confort and I am this close to bursting into tears, "Will I always feel this way? Torn in two?"

Glinda pets my hair, "Alec is a man on a mission. He believes your Organization to be responsible. If you truly wanted, you could forget the Organization and run into your mate's arms."

I shake my head, "I will never. He killed Josh and Chris. I will not abandon my people. I will not leave them and I cannot ask him to leave his people. I think that this time the Moon Goddess got it wrong."

Glinda hugged me tighter, "It's your choice. We don't know you well, but you are family now. We'll help you."

I stand up, "Thanks."

Leo smiles, "Anytime doll."

Glinda playfully slaps his shoulder, "I'm your mate. You shouldn't flirt."

He smiles, "You know you are the only one for me, Glinda."

I smile as I take my leave. I wish I could have that sort of relationship with my mate. Sadly, that will never be possible. I could still wish and dream about it. But right now, Leo and Glinda could not provide any more answers and I had a job to do.

I had an Organization to lead while Alec has his kingdom. It was just not meant to be.


Word Count : 1208 

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