We Hate Eachother!

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"What's your problem?" Lucy shouted angrily. Nasty looked down at her, and his face instantly shifted to a scowl.

"Oh. You're here." He growled.

"Yes I am. Do you have a problem with it?"

"Actually yes I do. And it's you." He said getting all up in her face. They glared at each other before Levy decided to say something.

"Guys!" She exclaimed. "Can't you two not fight for one day and get along."

"No!" They snapped at her. She huffed angrily and turned her head to the side.

"Here's your food Natsu." Mira chimed setting it down on the table in front of her.

"Thanks!" He began eating, but in a less than graceful way that seemed to get on Lucy's nerves.

"You eat like a pig! Can't you go somewhere else?"

"Fwhy chon't chu mwove, kuh?" Natsu spoke, his mouth full which blurred his speech and caused spit to go flying all over Lucy.

"Ew! Stop that you gross child!" He continued eating without a care in the world. "Ughh! Why do you have to be so annoying?"

"You're sure one to talk, you snot-nosed brat!" Natsu said once his mouth wasn't full.

"What? Me snot-nosed and a brat?! Don't even start you bohemian!"

"I am not a bohenist!"

"Bohemian, you fool!" They continued telling each other off for a good while. That's when someone got sick of it and decided enough was enough.

"Enough!" Master Makarov's voice boomed throughout the guildhall. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at him. "Natsu, Lucy, in my office. Now." They obediently rushed over to the staircase keeping their heads down. "Erza, Wendy, Gray, I require your presence as well." He said in a much softer voice. They also made their way to his office and took a seat.

"What is it that you want to talk to us about, Master?" Erza asked confidently.

Makarov sighed. "Lucy please wait outside for a minute." She nodded and left the room. "Natsu I have a question for you."


"How do we treat everyone here?"

"Like family?"

"Then why is it that you can't get along with Lucy?"

Natsu jumped out of his seat. "It's not my fault that she's a prick who-" Natsu shouted but was abruptly cut off.

"Don't start." Makarov growled. "Sit." He commanded. He immediately sat.

"This is exactly what he means." Erza sighed.

"Natsu I don't want to see you bothering Lucy, understand?"

"But I didn't do anything!"

"Enough! Do you understand?!?"

"Tch." Natsu mumbled. "Whatever."

"Gray, call Lucy back in." Once she had entered and was seated again Makarov spoke once more.

"I do not want to see you guys fighting all the time, so don't get to close to each other until I think of a solution." He turned to face Erza, Gray, and Wendy. "That's where you three come in. It'll be your job to make sure they don't get into an argument."

"But what about missions?"

"Figure it out. This will also serve as your punishment for destroying half a town the other day."

Fairy Tail: Warped Worlds (NaLu) [Book One]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu