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"Echo! Wait, please," Miko hops out of the green SUV and runs over to me. Feeling a little safer with my friend there I pull out my notepad. 'I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. what is going on?' I watched her read the pad.

"We need you to come with us. These are my friends, they will not harm you I promise but we need some explanations as do you," Miko said gently but quickly.

Seeing as I did not have much of a choice since I did not have enough space to transform without hurting Miko and my injuries had not healed yet. I nodded slowly but tensed when the semi trucks door opened. I looked at it with slight fear, I could hear my heart pounding like a drum and the adrenaline was running through me.

"Don't worry, he just wants to talk to you privately before we get back. You're going to ride back with him," Miko explained with her hand on my back gently pushing me to the truck but I still managed to stumble a bit.  

As I stepped in the truck and sat in the passenger seat ignoring the pain that ensued. I looked out at Miko who was getting back into the SUV. I turned back to the drivers seat to find a man sitting there. He had on a pair of dark jeans with a grey t-shirt and a red and blue leather jacket. He had black hair and nicely tanned skin with electrifyingly blue eyes. A pair of dog tags hung around his neck. One had a strange symbol and the other had I assumed his name.

"Echo is it? I am Optimus Prime.  Firstly, I wanted to thank you for protecting Miko, Raf and Jack. I understand that you are a mute. May I ask, have you always been a mute?" I watched him as he spoke in a deep baritone voice. I pulled out my note pad and began writing. 'I have not always been a mute.' I watched Optimus read the pad.

"What happened that caused you to lose your voice?" He asked quizzically.

I could tell he was trying to avoid asking me about my dragon form. He was trying to not frighten and gain my trust a little. I thought for a moment, if I don't tell them will they take me back? If Miko, Jack and Raf are friends with them then maybe I could trust them.

After pondering for a bit I decided to only give them harmless information and see if I could trust them. 'The night after my mother died my father and I got into an argument. He blamed me for her death. He told me that I got her sick. When I tried to argue he,' tears threatened to fall down my face as I pushed the flashbacks away. 'He griped my neck so hard that it damaged my vocal cords permanently.  This happened when I was 14.'

I handed him the pad and waited for him to finish reading. His face held no emotions as he read. Looking out the window I noticed we were heading out of town. The sand and rocks rolling by in a blur, the sky was clear and bright.  

Optimus drew my attention back to him as he spoke to someone. I didn't know who he was speaking to so I just watched the road in front of us. We came to a turn in the road and to my confusion Optimus stayed straight.  He began driving towards a large rock. I braced for impact expecting to slam into the rock but it never happened. I opened my eyes and realized we were in some sort of tunnel. I relaxed a little now that I knew we weren't going to splat against a rock.

We drove down a short tunnel and at the end of the tunnel Optimus came to a stop in the middle of a large metal room. I quickly jumped out of the semi truck and took in my surroundings. Painted on the floor was the symbol from Optimus's tags. Over to the side of the room was a set of stairs that led to an elevated platform. On the platform there was a couch and a TV, next to the platform was what seemed to be giant computers that projected strange symbols.

Standing in front of those computers was a large robot, it was mainly white with orange accents. When the large robot turned around I noticed it was male and on its chest was a cross. On each of his forearms was a heart beat line. Then the 2 robots from before entered the room followed by a blue motorcycle. I watched as the motorcycle transformed into a petite female. Her primary color was blue with pink accents. The green SUV also transformed after Miko hopped out.  The last robot that drove in was the yellow camaro. The camaro transformed into a smaller bot, he was mainly yellow with black stripes.

Silence Is Not Ignorance. [Transformers prime Story]Where stories live. Discover now