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"This is where you two will stay," the King said. He ushered for the new couple to enter their large bedroom. It was to the east of the castle, in a tower in which hardly no one ever visited. Now that her new room was located here, Zelda would have to get used to traveling further to go to sleep at night.

"It is wonderful. Thank you, your majesty," Philip bowed slightly. He took Zelda's hand carefully in his own. He pulled his wife into their room, leading her to the middle.

Zelda admired the bedroom for its beauty. I could get used to this, probably, Zelda thought to herself with a slight smile.

The King nodded his head. "I'll leave you two to it, then." He shut the door behind him, leaving to return to his study.

The room was eerily quiet. Zelda wanted to call her father's name, to run out to him like a young child, and to cling to his leg. Beg him to take her away from this scary man.

But she couldn't.

"It's lovely, isn't it?" Philip asked aloud, looking at the golden tassels hanging from the large bed. There were curtains surrounding it for privacy, if need be. There was a balcony to the other side of the bedroom, like in Zelda's old room, however, it was much larger.

Zelda imagined herself standing out on the balcony in the morning, listening to the singing birds, feeling a gentle breeze. Her sweet image was interrupted by Philip, walking out onto the balcony with her. When Zelda snapped from her thoughts, she realized she wasn't alone anymore.

Philip's hands wrapped around Zelda's waist. His body was pressed against the young woman's back. "We get to share this, together, love," he said happily. "Isn't it wonderful? You and I, against the world."

Zelda broke free from Philip's grasp. "Just because we're married, doesn't mean I wish to be intimate with you." She backed away from her husband, crossing her arms securely over her chest. "I've requested a separate room for me. I wish to sleep alone at night."

Philip's smile faded from his lips. "Why, Zelda? I would never harm you in any way. You know that."

Zelda shook her head. "I don't know that, actually."

"Please," Philip began, his lips turning to a sad frown, "I want to be able to love you, Zelda. I want to be with you, happy and in love."

Zelda turned toward the balcony. "I don't."

Philip sighed. "Hopefully, you'll change your mind. Maybe after I prove to you how much I love you, you'll love me back."

"You called me crazy, unkept, and undeserving," Zelda shot, turning to Philip. "You said you'd never come back, but look who came crawling on over to my luxurious and fruitful kingdom."

Philip's eyebrows furrowed in anger. "I never called you unkept and undeserving. I mentioned you were a little out of hand, yes, because you were very against the idea of marrying a suitor for your father, who needed to step from the throne."

Zelda pursed her lips. "The audacity...!"

"How many times will it take?" Philip asked, stepping toward his wife. He placed his hands on her arms, looking into her eyes. "I love you, Zelda! I don't care how much you hate me. I'll never stop loving you! That's exactly why I left my kingdom a second time, because I didn't want to give up on you. On us."

Zelda pushed Philip away once again. "There is no 'us.'"

"Are you really going to spend your life in anger and hatred, bound toward me, your husband?" Philip asked, sadness painting his tone. "Let me prove to you how loyal I am, and will be, to you."

The Wilted Flower | Zelink BoTW AU [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now