Chapter 26

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Yoongi POV

Groaning softly in pain as I feel myself begin to wake up, I huff quietly as I feel myself regain consciousness. Opening my eyes to blurry vision, it takes a few tries before I can finally see properly, looking around in confusion at the sound of constant beeping. Though, it quietly comes to my attention that I'm in a hospital.

Frowning in confusion and worry, I quickly sit up, wondering why the hell I'm here and where the fuck Hoseok is.

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow it down, hyung. You're still injured."

My head snaps to the side, finding Jimin sat beside me. He's got a worried look on his face, gaze locked on me but Hobi nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Hobi? What the hell am I doing here?" I ask, only now finding out just how dry my throat is as I wince in pain. Jimin reacts immediately, grabbing a bottle from his feet before handing it over to me. I take it gratefully, downing half the bottle as he watches me intently.

"Thank you." I mumble quietly, handing it back to him. He gives me a small smile, nodding his head as he takes it back, setting it back down at his feet.

"Jimin, where's Hobi? Did he... did he get out?" I ask quietly, worried for what happened to my boyfriend that I tried so hard to protect. He gives me a small smile, laying his hand on top of mine, using his free one to gently force my to lay back down.

"He's gonna be okay, hyung. He's actually the reason you're alive right now. Unfortunately, it didn't work out as well in his favor and he pushed himself a little too far with his injuries. Guess you caused him a little too much worry, hyung." Jimin answers with a small smile, his voice light as he speaks. I give him a tiny smile, running a hand through my hair gently as I let out a relieved sigh.

"He saved me?" I ask quietly, giggling lightly at the feeling of actually being cared for by the one I've been watching and wanting for so long. Jimin smiles fully, nodding his head.

"He knocked Seng's gun out of aim. He's actually pretty lucky, because instead of pinning you between the eyes, the bullet narrowly missed your heart. Not only that, he was the one keeping pressure on your wound the whole time. He's the reason you didn't bleed out all the way back at the warehouse." Jimin explains gently. I giggle softly at the thought, wishing I could just see him and hold him again already.

"Jimin, where is Hobi?" I ask again quietly, not having really gotten much of a proper answer in the first place. Jimin sighs softly at the question, running a hand through his hair as he gives me a gentle smile.

"He's in his own hospital room at the moment, still unconscious. When he... Hobi rushed inside of here with you, the moment I pulled up to the door. He came in, yelling for help, for someone to come help you. Only, he dropped seconds later, passing out himself. He lost a lot of blood, but they've got him stable and he should hopefully be waking up soon. Your bullet hit him in the shoulder, caused some rotator cuff damage, but nothing too serious luckily. Thankfully, they're not pushing for information regarding his bruising and scratches and scarring. Soomi's in his room with him right now." Jimin informs me gently.

I sigh quietly in response, running a hand through my hair as I let my eyes fall shut. Leaning further back into the bed, I mentally swear at myself for having been so careless. For having been so stupid and taken such a risk. I could've fucking killed him. Hell, I'm lucky I didn't end up killing him.

"Yoongi, don't even start that shit. I know what you're doing, and you need to stop. Hobi wouldn't want you blaming yourself and scolding yourself like this. Okay? Hoseok is gonna be so happy and excited when he wakes up and knows that you're awake and well. Just relax and focus on getting better right now. Okay, hyung?" Jimin scolds me gently, ruffling my hair gently.

I sigh quietly, pursing my lips as I nod my head. I don't want to follow what he says, knowing I could and should have done better for Hoseok, but I know he's right. I know Hobi, and I know he'd be scolding me all the same if he knew what was going through my head right now.

So, with another small nod of my head, I lean it back against the pillow behind me and lightly shut my eyes, deciding to just get some sleep for now.

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