Chapter 16

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Yoongi POV

To say the least, I've never felt so shy and awkward in a position like this in my life. Granted, there's only one person that I've ever actually done anything with and that happenstance ended a long time ago. So, biting my lip gently, I try not to focus on the actual proximity and whatnot of what I'm doing, but the actual action itself. Pulling his pants down so that I can put a comfier set on him. Changing his shirt for him so that he doesn't hurt himself further. Caring for him in a way, taking care of him.

I smile a bit at that thought, feeling much better and more comfortable with this as I think over the fact that I'm just caring for him and taking care of him. Focusing on that thought, it makes the entire task of getting him into my brothers clothes much easier and quicker. Not feeling as awkward about the whole ordeal, the process goes by much faster, and soon enough we're walking out of the room.

"Thank you, Yoongi." Hoseok mumbles shyly, taking my hand in his as he follows me to and down the stairs. I just smile a bit and nod, trying hard not to grin at the fact that he's actually holding my hand right now. I don't bother responding verbally, leading us over to my couch before letting go and sitting down. He sits down right beside me though, curling up into my side. I look down at him with a cocked eyebrow, curious as to what exactly he's doing.

"Yoongi, how did you know all the right ways to take care of me and take care of the stab wounds?" Hoseok asks softly, looking up at me with curious eyes. I frown a bit at the question, shaking my head at him.

"Hoseok, that's not something that you need to worry about." I murmur quietly, looking away from him. Though, I'm caught off guard when I feel him lean up and press his soft lips against my cheek in a small kiss. Frowning in confusion, I slowly look back over at him.

"Please, Yoongi?" Hoseok asks softly with a cute small pout. I sigh, leaning down and pecking his lips lightly.

"It's just not my first time dealing with those type of injuries, Hoseok. I've dealt with much more serious things than stab wounds before. Besides, that type of thing is Seng's style when he's not in a super big fight. Okay? Nothing to worry about or anything." I explain quietly. He frowns as he looks up at me though, his pout only growing.

"Why do you know that stuff though, Yoongi? What happened with Seng anyways?" Hoseok questions curiously. I just give him a small smile, shaking my head.

"That's for me to worry about, Hoseok. Not you. Okay? Don't worry about any of that stuff. Just know that I took care of Seng and that he shouldn't be bothering you for a little while. Just relax a bit, okay? You don't need to worry so much." I respond quietly, ruffling his hair lightly. He huffs quietly, but nods anyways before leaning up and gently pressing his lips to mine. I smile into the kiss, our lips pressing together in the best ways possible as our lips move together in rhythm. It's such a soft and gentle kiss, everything feeling so right and perfect.

When we finally pull away, Hobi smiles up at me before nuzzling his head into my chest as he curls back up into my side. I can't help but smile myself, wrapping an arm around his waist to help let him be a little more comfortable. It's needless to say, that this is absolutely the most adorable thing I've seen of him yet, loving just how soft and gentle and calm he's being with me despite my reputation.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok speaks up softly after a couple of minutes of silence, tilting his head back a bit so as to look up at me. I cock an eyebrow at him once more, a small smile on my lips at this point as I look down at him.

"Yes?" I respond quietly, waiting and wondering what he's going to be asking about now. I can just only hope though, that it's not going to be anything related to the subject that I'd like to avoid and keep hidden from him. It's bad shit that he doesn't need to worry about.

"Do you like me?" Hoseok asks in a small curious tone. I bite my lip, being completely taken aback by the question.

"Define what you mean by... 'like'." I tell him hesitantly, not really wanting to make a fool outta myself if I don't have to. He chuckles lightly as he smiles.

"Do you have feelings for me? Do you... wanna date me? Do you like me?"

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