Chapter 15

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Hoseok POV

"Come on then. Let's go." Yoongi says softly, nudging me lightly before turning back towards the way we'd just come. I frown in confusion, looking over at him without moving.

"What do you mean?" I question in confusion, not understanding entirely. He looks back over to me with a raised eyebrow, as if waiting for me to follow.

"Sounds like you wanna leave to me. So, let's get you the hell outta here." Yoongi responds with a shrug. I bite the inside of my cheek, allowing a small smile onto my lips as I begin to follow him back out of the school and over to his car. As we both climb back inside, we're silent the entire time. I don't bother speaking up or saying anything, just letting Yoongi be as he drives me around once more. Instead, I just look out the window and watch the town pass us by as he goes. Though, as he pulls down a street to lead us into a neighborhood, some of the houses begin to appear familiar from the drive home with Jimin last night.

"Yoongi, where are you taking me? I thought you said you were taking me home?" I ask quietly, looking over to the smaller boy in the drivers seat.

"I am. I'm just not taking you back to your home. We're going back to mine." He says causally with a shrug, not even glancing over at me as he speaks whilst pulling into a drive. I bite my lip, falling silent once more as he puts his car in park before hopping out. Sighing quietly to myself, I follow his footsteps and climb out of the car as well, letting him lead me back up the path and to his front door. He doesn't say a word as he grabs his house key that's on the same chain as his car key, merely standing by and watching as he unlocks it before pushing it open to let us in.

"Are those clothes gonna be comfortable enough for you to relax in all day?" Yoongi asks as he tosses his keys on the coffee table in front of his couch, leaving me to close the door behind myself. I frown slightly at the question, not wanting to take more clothes from him but definitely knowing that the jeans and tee shirt I've got on aren't going to quite be what one would call relaxing clothes.

With the lack of answer from myself as I glance down at my clothes with the small frown, Yoongi glances back over at me before smiling lightly.

"I'll go grab some stuff. You can come on up." Yoongi says softly before heading for the stairs. I just nod silently, following him to the stairs, still unsure of his house and of how close I should realistically be getting with him.

"These should work. Do you wanna handle changing your pants and I can help with the shirt? Or do you need some help with the pants as well?" Yoongi asks kindly as he pulls out a pair of sweats and another oversized sweatshirt. I blush at the question, wishing desperately that it didn't need to be the answer that it is.

"Honestly, the pants were just as hard to change as the shirt, if not harder." I mumble, feeling suddenly very shy as I look down to the floor. Though, I can see out of the corner of my eye, Yoongi's cheeks tinting a soft pink color as well.

"Okay. Umm... It's probably gonna be easiest if you just lay down on the bed while we're dealing with the pants. Obviously, you're fine to sit up for changing the shirt if you wanna do that first?" Yoongi explains, rubbing the back of his neck shyly as he leads me out of whatever room this is and across the hall to what I'm assuming is his. It's the same room I'd woken up in yesterday, but I try not to think about the fact that Yoongi actually let me sleep in his bed rather than the other.

Taking a deep breath, I already know this is going to be the most awkward thing ever as I uncertainly lay down on his bed, perpendicular to the way one would normally lay to sleep in it. Biting my lip in a failed attempt to try not to blush a deep red, I go ahead and unbutton my jeans as well as unzip them, that way he won't have to do that part himself.

Not being able to help myself, I glance up at Yoongi shyly. His eyes are on mine though, offering me a small smile despite his own flushed cheeks before kneeling down in front of my legs.

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