Scene 9 - Doubts

Magsimula sa umpisa

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He finished the bottle completely and placed it on the seat next to him. He stood up and slowly made his way towards me, taking long strides.

"You look human, you sound human" He paused and stood face to face with me.

"But what are you really?"

I decided the best answer to his question. "I'm whatever you want me to be, Lieutenant".


HANK     ⬆


"Your partner... Your buddy to drink with... Or just a machine. Right now... I'm a detective trying to find out what is happening with these androids, along with looking after a little girl who lost her parents because of them". I replied calmly. 

"You could've shot those two girls, but you didn't. Why didn't you shoot, Connor?" He roughly shoved me backwards, making me stumble on my feet slightly but not enough to fall over. Why was he being so questioning all of a sudden? "Why didn't you shoot? Some scruples suddenly enter into your program?" He pressed on. 

I didn't know what he wanted me to say. My programming in that moment was not in a stable place. In fact, I don't think it has been ever since....

Ever since (Y/n) and Hank told me not to go after the deviants from the abandoned building...

They must be influential to my decisions somehow.

"No, I just decided not to shoot. That all" I defended nervously.




             FCT      RN             L




What Hank did next shocked me.

He pulled out his hand gun from his jacket and aimed it directly at my head. I tried to remain calm, but Hank's irrational actions could lead to something more serious.

"But are you afraid to die, Connor?"

I froze.

I've never had...fears of dying. I'm not alive after all.


"........Don't do this, Hank" I asked. His hand on the trigger didn't flinch, but he looked surprised at my request. "I have to solve this mission.... and be there for (Y/n). If I'm not... who else will?".

"Answer the fuckin' question, Connor". He said, showing no signs of lowering the weapon. He wanted the truth. "What happens if I pull this trigger, hm? Nothing? Oblivion? Android heaven".


DBH Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon