One: Silverfish

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There's a playlist to this story on Spotify! If you want you can listen to it while you read the story. Search for Disa Laring on Spotify and access the "Look Away" playlist or copy and paste the link in the comment section into your internet browser!

If you are sensitive to bullying, eating disorders, self-harm or abuse of any kind then I do not recommend that you read the story.
Take care of yourself <3

Bran woke up with the aching headache he had been expecting. The liquor was still in his system, pumping around and causing mayhem in his head and stomach. He gave the beeping alarm clock a frustrated look and slammed his hand down over the snooze button. The alarm clock was a sunrise wake up light that made the exact same frustrating beeping noise every single morning at 7.00 o'clock. Bran moaned and flipped his pillow over to the cold side. The sweet coolness was hypnotic, nearly forcing Bran to close his eyes again and drift off. The open window on the opposite wall let a cold breeze into the room. The chilly air floated around Bran's bed like a frosty embrace and he peaked up from his warm blanket fortress. He always forgot to close that window before going to bed and it always bothered him in the morning when the cold air hit his face. Bran dragged himself out of bed and across the room to his dresser. His clothes would probably be spread out over the floor if it wasn't for his mother being a perfectionist who ordered their maids to clean every inch of the house every day. on top of that, she would also stalk around the house checking every corner for dust. There was no place to hide anything in the house without her finding it. There was no such thing as secrets in the Begum household. Sharing information was a rule.

Bran stumbled up the basement stairs. Their mansion was located on the side of a hill which gave the lowest floor its own door to the backyard. Since he was an only child, he had the entire bottom floor to himself, two bathrooms, a kitchen, seven rooms and an indoor pool included. If he felt like it, he'd never have to see his parents again. The floor even had its own staff working on it, just for Bran.

"Brannon!" His mother called from the top of the staircase. "The cereal's getting soggy!"

"Why would you pour milk on them when I'm not there?!" Brannon moaned and sprinted up the stairs. "Who does that?!"

The kitchen table was set. His father, Faki, was a Lebanese immigrant who had moved here when he was a child. He sat by the side of the table with a tablet and read the news. The dark brown hair on his head was fluffy and restrained in a small ponytail on the back of his head. His light green eyes scanned the text on the screen and with each word he read, his lips moved a little.

"Good morning sweetheart!" His mother said and kissed Bran's forehead as she walked past him.

"Good morning..." Bran mumbled. His head was still aching and he felt nauseous. His ass hit the wooden chair when he fell into it. The cereal on the table were on the brink of becoming soggy and Bran quickly realised that if he wanted them even remotely crunchy, he'd have to eat them right away. Without a second thought, he grabbed a spoon and shoved the cereal into his mouth. The milk had gotten slightly warmer than he preferred and the texture of the cereal was rather unappetising. Not soggy, not crunchy, but just in between.

The head chef walked past the table with his mother's breakfast and sighed. "Will there ever be a day when you let me cook breakfast for you? Or are you always going to stick to those sugary candy things?" He muttered and gave Bran a pat on the head. The staff in the house were more like family than staff. Especially the chef. He was like an uncle.

While Brannon Begum ate his cereal at home, Louis Carter was laying on the bathroom floor of his sister's cramped 4 room apartment. His nieces were still sleeping in their room and Louis was enjoying some quiet alone time on the fluffy bathroom carpet while his sister was getting ready for work. Louis looked at the dirty corner under the sink, hair, lint and dirt had piled up in small, sticky lumps on the floor thanks to all the soap the twins spilt when they took baths. A silverfish crawled around in the filth and Louis stared at it while it used its little legs to move over the dirty floor. Silverfish, argentine, bathroom insect, it's all the same. The silverfish on the floor meant just as little to him as he meant to it. "Why are you in my home?" They both thought as they looked at each other. Louis always wanted to be an insect when he was little, maybe not a silverfish but maybe a butterfly or a bumblebee, maybe a very small spider. But Louis had been born human, the biggest and most dangerous insect of all. Maybe he'd like to be an ant, they always had a purpose, a task that waited and a big team to be part of.

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