First day of training cx

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I wake up from the sunlight shining on my face. ''LEVI.'' I say shaking him.'' WAKE UP IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO TRAIN ME CAPTIAN SHORTY.'' 

''Hnn. Go away Eren and if you call me that again I'll hit you.'' Levi groaned. 


''You little shit.'' Levi said trying to get up but falling off the edge of the bed. ''DAMMIT.'' 


''NOW YOU'RE IN FOR IT YOU BRAT.'' Levi shot up and glared at me. 

''JUST TRY AND CATCH ME.'' I yelled running down the stairs only to be attacked by Levi.

''I win.'' Levi said sitting on my back.

''G-Get off c-can't breathe.'' I wheezed.

''O-Oh sorry.'' Levi said sliding off of me.

I jump up and start running again. ''HAHAH YOU DUMBFUCK I TRICKED YOU. '' 

''DAMN YOU.'' Levi said chasing me into the living room.

''SHIT!.'' I yelp running into the side of the couch and falling. I look up to see Levi's evil smirk towering over me and his arms pinning me down.

''I'm not letting you go now.'' Levi growled in my ear.

''P-Please let me go! I'm s-sorry.'' I squirm beneathe him. 

''Never, you're now my captive princess.'' Levi says taking my chin between his thumb. 


''Then maybe we should change the training date until tomorrow.'' Levi grins trailing his hand across my side.

''N-No. I want to start today.'' I complained.

''Tch fine, but I'll be extra strict on you for this.'' Levi said letting me go and letting out a hmph as he walked off. 

*TRAINING CORPS BASE* [ No one's pov]

'' Are you sure we won't get caught in here?'' Eren asks.

'' No one uses this place anymore, only the rookies used to but I doubt they'll be new ones anytime soon since the outcome of the last expedition. Over half of the people who joined the Survey Corps died. I might not be Corporal anymore but people I used to work beside still update information to me incase they have to recruit me again.'' Levi said.

''I've always wanted to join the Survey corps but after my dad left I lost the urge to sign up. From when I was a child I'd always admire you guys from the sideline everytime you'd come back. Actually, I've never really thought of it before but I've seen you coming back, you looked upset. All the other times you came back there was a girl with short orange hair.'' Levi's eyes narrowed as Eren spoke.

''Ah. S-Sorry for bringing it up.'' Eren stuttered.

''It's fine, that was the last expedition I did, all of my squad lost their lives that day. '' Levi said.

'' If it's not too much to ask, why did you join the scouting regiment.'' Eren asked.

''I didn't want to just sit there doing nothing while humanity was being humiliated by being caged inside walls because of fear. I might not care that much for the people here, but I don't want them to think there is no hope and their only protection is the walls. I hate the fact that they all have to live in fear. I don't want to live hiding inside a wall, I want to see what's beyond the life I've known in the walls. I want to view how life could be if there were no titans. To live without the irony of living in cages, It's not something too stupid to hope for. Right? Maybe if this world wasn't drenched in everyone's stupidity and helplessness we'd actually have a chance against the titan. They rely on everyone else to go on suicide missions to help those who are to scared to fend for themselves I might actually care for a lot more people. I can't stand the way some humans act and are controlled by the walls, prasing them as if gods. If they'd open their eyes they'd see they don't have to live like this, if they fight they can live a life that they don't have to be trapped in walls. They don't have to live in fear that the only reason they aren't dead is because of 50 ft of concrete.. I am not afriad of death, but till the day I've stopping living in this world I won't stop fighting for humanity even if I hate those I'm fighting for.'' Levi said in monotone. 

Eren sat there in amazingment looking at Levi with sparkles in his eyes. 

'' You know, brat, you're the first person not to laugh at my hopeless wish. '' Levi chuckled.

'' I'm not laughing because It's true. I'd rather fight to discover what's beyond the lives we've been caged in. I want to rid the world of all the titans!'' Eren slightly raised his voice. '' I don't want to live like cattle, and I don't want anyone else to. This world is a cruel place because we chose to let it be that way. You might think your dream is hopeless but if humanity can overcome their fear it's not that far away of a desire you think it is. I've always wanted to see the outside world at least once, even if that caused me to die. I want to know what it looks like, I hate the view of grey everywhere I look. It's repulsing. That's why, I thank you Levi for a chance to see what it's like beyond the walls I've lived in for all my life. Humanity can't live in these conditions much longer, that's why people like us try to make a stand. We need more people that overcome their fear and take a chance to help humanity. There's something outside these walls that can save humanity, I know it and I think Grisha knows. He's out there somewhere trying to save humanity and I won't let him do it alone.'' Eren spoke.

'' Nice enthusiasm but fighting spirt can't keep you alive, on the battle field it's only survivors are the ones with skills, that's why in order for me to allow you to leave you have to be on close enough terms with those I've worked beside or as myself. I might not care about anyone else, but Eren If you died in this I'd blame myself for not teaching you good enough. In a matter-of-factly I'd probably just end up letting a titan eat me. '' Levi shrugged. '' So you better listen up and not die because you're my reason I wish to thrive on I don't want to be defeated by those disgusting scumbags but If you die, I have no one else I really want to protect so I have no other reason to fight. '' 

'' I won't die until I give humanity a good look of the life outside the walls, as long as their is titans I won't die, Levi, I assure you that as a promise. I'll live on till humanity's fear is gone. '' Eren spoke. '' So lets get this easy ass trainning started. '' Eren shouted as he but on his maneuvering gear.

'' From now on, address me as Sir. Your training begins now you shitty candidate. You will now be put through a course of trials to allow me to witness your overall chance of survival against the titans. With that, start of trying to balance off the ground with your maneuvering gear. '' Levi shouted.

''Yes, Sir!'' Eren shouted.

Eren slowly lifted off the ground, surprisingly he was steady as can be. 

''Very good, Jaeger. Now begin increasing your altitude by going to the next obstacle in this training course.'' Levi yelled. 

Eren flawlessly swung to the next tree in the course of training. Right before he got to the top his gas tank sprung a leak and he went tumbling 20 feet.

''EREN!'' Levi went running to Eren and knelt before him. '' ARE YOU OKAY.?''

Eren opened his eyes. ''Don't underestimate me, I'm not as weak as I look, sir.'' Eren said. '' This time give me a maneuvering gear that actually functions properly so I can actually get to work on training you shitty instructor. '' Eren chuckled.

''Tch. Any normal human being should've died falling that far. Guess I did underestimate you, Jaeger.'' Levi said handing a hand out to help Eren up. 

''Don't help me up, go get me another maneuvering device I'm not helpless I can get up on my own dumbass. '' Eren spoke.

''Don't get too cocky, brat, and don't speak to me like that. '' Levi strutted off. 

Kayy~~ I finally updated <3 <3 I got an inbox from someone requesting for another smut scene .-. so if you guys want one tell me in the comments and I might do one. I'm not the best at them but I just might do it for you guys. AND OHMYGOD THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH I GOT OVER 1K READS I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH YOU'RE ALL AMAZING. REMEMBER TO FOLLOW ME YOU FUCKERS <3 VOTE TOO . LOVE YAHH

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