Levi, I love you.

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'' About time brat, don't keep me waiting for you. '' Levi spoke. 

'' O-Oh Sorry Levi. I.. I Mean Ravioli. '' Eren mummbled.

'' What was that, speak up brat I can't hear you. '' Levi leaned over Eren.

'' N-Nothing Sir! Nothing At All! '' Eren said careful not to raise his voice. 

'' Tch. Whatever, Hurry up and lets go. ''

Levi rushed down the hallway hand in hand with Eren's. It made him blush although Levi was dragging him like a dog on a chain.

'' Get in '' Levi said commanding.

Tired of waiting Levi Kicking him inside his car.


'' What the f- '' Levi was interupted by Eren forcefully shoving against the wall as they walked into Levi's house. '' 

Eren was grinding his hips against Levi's and slowly nipping at his neck and reached his lips. He slowly presses his lips against Levi's. Shocked, Levi had no response. When back into reality he saw Eren with a crestfallen face when he realized Eren took that as a rejection. 

'Mph. '' Eren groaned as Levi shoved Eren on the wall switching their positions. With no time to waste to captured Eren's lips. Levi forcefully shoved his tongue into Eren's mouth winning a moan from him. To Levi's surpise he felt something poking at his stomach then he realized it was Eren's erection. 


* End Of Levi's Day Dream. HAHA Sorry It was a trap cx *

'' LEVI WAKE  THE FUCK UP. '' Eren spouted at him.

'' Hnn.. Eren? '' Levi cracked his eyes open and realized what he saw was only a dream. 

Haha. Of course he though. I knew it wouldn't happen. 

I SHALL UPDATE TOMORROW NIGHT OR, SUNDAY. Please like and comment cx. I like to have feedback. I love you guys <3  I wonder what'll happen next. - Giggles - I ALREADY KNOW MWUAH.

Levi: Shut up and make us fuck already damn.

Me: Someone is sexually fustrated, was this too much of a turn on for you ;D.

Levi: Shut the hell up twat.

Eren: Leevviii ~ - Snakes my arms arond his neck - 

Levi: Ew. Look It's A Roach . 

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