No. Not Now. Not Yet.

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Helloo ~ I'll try to make this chapter long. I'm not in a good mood at the time being but I'll try my best. It'll be crappy but I'll try my best to please you <3


That twit. Where the hell is he? He said he'd be back.. Where is he now? When time does '' I'll be back '' happen? . What if he never comes back..What if he.. He's dead? No.. he can't be. Why would he be? Maybe something just happened to Mikasa and he's just at her house. If he's dead..No stop thinking that way. He's okay. I'll just go to his house. 


* Knocking at the door *

''EREN!'' She shouted as opening it but found disappointment in whom she saw.

''Where's Eren. '' Mr. Rivaille Asked Me.

'' H- He hasn't come back.. I thought you were him..There's no way he'd die against him.. Eren.. '' I said watery eyed.

''What the hell are you talking about? Eren left my house when I was tutoring that dumb fuck and now he's gone? Who the hell is '' Him'' Why would he be dead? What are you talking about where the hell are your parents!??'' Levi shouted at me.

'' Those are questions hidden deep within our pasts. Trust me you don't want to go there. '' I said weakly.


I opened the door and showed him to the couch.

''  If you really must know, I'll tell you. I'm not related to Eren by blood. My parents are dead. Eren's parents are gone as well. I was adopted by Eren's family after my family was murdered.. The guy Eren was chasing was from when I got kidnapped.. Eren.. He.. He killed my kidnappers to save me.. And that guy.. He's one of their sons. He wants us dead. He wants to kill Eren. EREN SHOULD BE BACK BY NOW!. He.. Can't be dead.. I don't want to be all alone again..Eren.. where are you.!! '' I spoke in a shaking voice.

'' .. I should've known something happened in that brat's past.. I just can't believe it was that much.. He..He could be dead right now.. But he's not right? You said he saved you, that means he killed someone over 3 times his age, there's no way he'd lose to his son.. R- Right .. ? It's impossible.. He wouldn't die. He has to protect you...He can't die.. '' Levi spoke.

'' Mr. Rivaille, I wish that I could assure you he's alive, but I can't.. He's never promised me he wouldn't die. I know he can't protect me or himself from everyone. He's been gone for a while.. If.. If . If Eren was alive.. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't make me worry. He'd contact me. He'd do something to let me know he's alright. I can't help but feel like something really bad happened. I know I shouldn't think that way but It's true. I don't want to think that there's a chance he's dead but there is a possibility. Eren went through a lot. He said he never wanted to go through killing someone again. He doesn't want to. If he has to he will but he's not as strong as he was before. He's frail and weak. The strong and happy Eren faded a while ago. I can't promise you he's alive.  If I could.. I would.. I just can't.. It's likely he's dead or very injured. We might not see him again or only in his coffin. I don't think he's dead but I can't say he's alive. That's just the ugly truth, Mr. Rivaille. I'm sorry..'' I said in the most calm voice I could.

We both sat in silence. I noticed a reflection in Mr. Rivaille's eyes. They were watering? Why? Why does he care so much about Eren?

'' .. I- I'm s-sorry. I .. I need to le-e-ave..'' Mr. Rivaille said to me with a crackling voice before he ran out the door. 


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