Chapter Fifteen

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"Yona?" I said hesitantly taking a step backward.

"Sav, I came back for you," her voice was monotonous.

"This isn't real... I'm dreaming... you're not here... I'm just going to close my eyes for a sec and ill wake up," I said tensing almost every part of my body and squeezing my eyes shut.

It was silent for a moment.

"I'm going to open my eyes now and I'll be in my bed. Just like in the movies," I took a deep breath in and opened my eyes to find an empty room.

I sighed a long sigh of relief and went up to one of the bathroom mirrors. I took a look at my reflection.

Just then I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Sav? Everything alright in there?" Macs voice seemed more delicate than usual.

"Uh yeah, just coming one sec" I said glancing at myself one more time in the mirror.

"Whats taking you so long?" Mac slowly pushed the door open checking if anyone else was in the bathroom before walking toward me.

"You can't be in here" I said turning to face him.

"You okay?" he reached out with the back of his hand and brushed it against my face. That is when I realised I had been crying.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine, I just got something in my eye. Stung like a bitch," I said grabbing a tissue from my makeup bag.

"You sure?" Mac seemed genuinely concerned. He was sweet.

"Sure," I said turning back to face him and reaching out for his hand.

"Okay, well good. I'm going to head off," he said interlacing his fingers with mine.

"Head off? Where? You don't skip class?" I said sceptically, enjoying the warmth of his hand against mine.

"No, YOU don't skip class. I've skipped many times. We're going to check out this dessert place that's supposed to be good. I'd invite you but you love your perfect attendance. Call you later?," he said as he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and walked back toward the door.

"We?" I said as I put my tissue in the bin under the sink.

"Yeah, me and Rose" he gave me a quick smile and opened the door.

"Wait M..." before I could get my words out, he was gone.

He had never skipped class before.

I had never skipped class before.

This couldn't be a dream.

I hadn't thought about her in months. She didn't even cross my mind momentarily.

This wasn't a dream.

I quickly zipped up my makeup bag, grabbed my handbag and followed him out the exit. I looked around frantically in the Quad for them but I couldn't find them.

They had already left.

Guess I was going to have to skip class after all.

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