Chapter Eight

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"See you later hun," her words sent a shiver down my spine.

As soon as the door closed, I jumped out of bed and slid my way into the little gap. I put my ear against the wall and tapped gently.

No response.

I tapped a little harder.

No response.

I had been trying for days upon days. I just knew there was a person on the other end. There had to be. It'd all make sense then. I sat with my legs crossed, head against the wall. I was literally waiting for anything to happen. Anything at all.



Thirty minutes went by and still nothing. My back was aching, and my legs had pins and needles.

An hour later, just when I was about to call it a day, I heard something.

"Help!" the voice squealed as the tapping grew louder.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" I tapped back on the wall dazzled by the sudden noise.

"Who are you?" the voice said hesitantly.

"Savannah. Who are you?"

"Joan," she said wearily.

I heard a rattling of footsteps outside my door.

"She's coming back," I shuffled back and quickly jumped out of the gap.

"What are you doing up?" Yona stood at the door with a hand on her hip.

"Just stretching haha," I scratched the back of my head aware of the gap between the wall and the bed hoping she wouldn't notice.

She edged closer and I slowly side stepped to stand in front of the gap.

"You don't have to keep fit for me. I love you just the way you are," she winked as she flicked a blonde curl behind her shoulder.

"Anyway, gonna go grab you some dinner, see you!" she smiled as she left.

That is when I remembered.

I hadn't read Chuckie's note.

I pulled out the note from my pocket ensuring that I unfolded it carefully.

It was an out.


There is a key under your mattress for the cell. 9662- is the code for the main door. When you get out, meet me round the corner in front of 'Chicas'.

My eyes flickered as I re-read the note. I flipped the flimsy piece of paper over to find more codes.


I slid down the wall that was adjacent to my bed and hugged my legs. I cried the hardest I'd ever cried that day. I was going to get out. I slid the bed forward and jumped in the gap excited to tell Joan that I was going to get out.

"Joan, you there?" I tapped on the wall gently.

"Don't... talk...t...," she stuttered.

"What? Joan? Are you okay?" I said.

"Savannah?" the voice came a few minutes later.

Only it wasn't Joan's voice. It was Yona's.

Why was Yona in Joan's room?


I heard the door open and close and the muffled sound of heavy footsteps.

She was coming back.


I quickly regained my position on the bed ensuring the gap was covered. I pulled the covers over my head and faced the door closing my eyes. A few seconds later, I heard the door fly open and I braced myself for what was to come next. I wasn't expecting what was to come next. The rattling of keys against the cell door startled me and I opened one eye. I squeezed my eyes as hard as I could.

It wasn't Yona at all.

It was Chuckie.

"Chuckie!" I exclaimed as I stumbled out of the bed still partially covered in duvet as I ran towards the cell door.

"Chuckie!" I burst into tears and leapt into his arms as the cell door flew open.

He hugged me tightly for a few seconds before pulling back.

"You're safe now, I promise. We don't have much time, you still got the note yeah?" he asked as he ran his fingers through my hair.

I nodded.

Just then the door flung open.

"Well...well... well... what do we have here?" her voice sent shivers down my spine.

I looked at Chuckie and he looked at me. We knew what we had to do.


"Yona! There you are," Chuckie walked towards Yona and placed his hand on her face.

"Chuckie. What's going on here?" she asked removing his hand off her face and pushing him back.

"She tried to escape. Luckily, I caught her," he said calmly like it was second nature to him.

"Is that right Sav? You wanted to run away from me?" she pushed Chuckie aside and walked towards me. I stood still.

"Escape? Why would I want to escape from you? You've given me everything," I said trying really hard not to sound sarcastic.

Yona sighed and smiled.

"Silly me!" she laughed.

"Hey babe, come here for a minute," Chuckie had now moved from the front of the door to sit on the stool.


Yona smiled as she walked toward Chuckie, detouring to the door to ensure it was locked. Chuckie pulled Yona in towards him and wrapped his arms around her.

"I missed you baby," he said burying his face into her hair, kissing her neck.

He looked up and looked at me.

That was my cue.

I quickly grabbed the note out of my pocket and tip-toed toward the front door. I gave Chuckie an appreciative look as I punched in the code rapidly and pulled the door open. I ran as fast as I could out the door.

I was out.

But I had no idea what I was to see next.

The street was entirely deserted.

The entire block was surrounded by a variety of shops from Japanese food, nails to a library. I hadn't noticed any of these shops when I came in months ago.

Did everything really change in the time that I was trapped?

That's when I realised.

These weren't shops at all.

The tapping.

The voice.


It all made sense.

There were others.

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