Chapter Six

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Savannah's POV

It was what felt like an eternity before she returned. I immediately rose from my bed swinging my feet to touch the carpet. Yona shuffled in wearing a green puffy jacket with black jeans, a white hat and brown Ugg boots. Looking significantly different to the pink and black t-shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers she donned before, she gently shut the door behind her.

"Started snowing?" I said sarcastically knowing full-well that we were in a heatwave at the moment, as she unzipped her coat and placed it on the table situated near the stool.

She didn't say anything but proceeded to sit on the floor next to the countertop facing me. She shivered as she rubbed her hands together and folded her knees to her chest. She started to rock back and forth, looking like a little child that had lost their teddy bear. Her eyes were red and her face was wet. I could see she had been crying.

"Are... are you alright?" I said hesitantly.


Deciding that it was best if I left her alone, I sunk back into my bed and continued to look at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry," her voice broke the silence a few minutes later. "Sorry for everything, don't be mad," Yona stood up and walked toward me.

Yona sat on the floor next to my cell, legs crossed and head in hands. I stood, walked closer to her and sat on the floor opposite her.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I said gently not wanting to aggravate her.

"You're not mad, are you?" her eyes sparkled as she lifted her head up.

"What's going on Yona?" I said holding my position.

"I don't want you to be mad. Maybe..." she paused for a few moments quizzical. " relax, go sit back on your bed and I'll make you a nice cup of coffee yeah?" Yona stood up and walked towards the kettle that I had never seen before.

"I don't want coffee, I just want to know what's going on!" I squealed as I shook the cell barriers.

"I've made you angry, I'm sorry. Your coffee is coming, just relax," Yona insisted and turned back to look at me, her face now completely dry.

I was confused but I was scared to speak out anymore. I once again, dragged my bare feet across the floor and got back into the bed.

"That's a good girl," her face was straight and unchanged.

There was a brief period of silence whilst Yona produced a big bottle of water from her bag and started filling up the kettle. She then pulled out a small jar of unbranded coffee from the same bag and shook some into a cup that had been left out on the counter. I wondered how she could fit so much in such a small bag.

"Sugar?" she said as she replaced the coffee lid with her back still facing to me.

I didn't respond.

"Okay, got it no sugar!" she had quick glance over her shoulder at me, eyes like daggers, and then proceeded to pour the now-boiled kettle into the cup.

She carefully walked over to me with the cup and put it in the little metal box and closed it gently.

"There you go, drink it up before it gets cold," she smiled and sat on the ground watching me like a zoo keeper would watch a caged animal.

"Yona... what's say you get me out of here now," I said standing up and walking slowly towards the front of the cell and to the metal box.

"Yes... better drink the coffee before it gets cold," she smiled.

I opened the metal box and took out the cup. Yona's eyes lit up as I held it to my face.

"Get you out?" she spoke like she didn't remember our last conversation.

"Yes... get me out... because I love you remember?" I spoke hesitantly, holding the warm cup between my hands.

"Aw hun, I love you too!" her voice was chipper as she blew me a kiss.

"Okay, what's going on here... stop pretending you don't remember what happened just a couple of hours ago..." I threw the cup of coffee down on the floor and it smashed into a thousand little pieces in a frustrated fit of rage.

"Aw now look what you've done! Made a mess! Let me grab you some tissues" she sighed as she walked over to the counter and grabbed some tissues from her purse.

"Sorry, I'd do it myself if I could," she walked to the metal box and placed it down in the tray.

"How do you expect me to clean this up with tissues?" I said pushing the broken glass around with my feet.

She didn't say anything for a moment before she started laughing uncontrollably like the demented physcopath she was.

"What? What are you laughing about? This is not a laughing matter! You're crazy you know! A mental crazy woman. Let me out now!" I shouted as I rattled the cell bars, prompting Yona to rise to her feet and take a step back.

"What is wrong with you? Do you think what you're doing is okay," I shook the bars more ferociously this time.

After a few minutes of laughter a sudden silence sliced through us like a sharp knife, only letting a few remaining laughs escape.

Yona checked her watch and gave me an unwavering stare, her eyes looked dead inside.

"Okay, so I'll be back later. I've restocked your fridge, so you'll have something to snack on," she blew another kiss and grabbed her coat.

"What.. how did you even restock...," I spoke but before I could finish she had already left.

Was I ever going to get out of here?

I sighed and perched myself on the edge of my annoyingly comfortable double bed. The words were still running through my head 'There are others'. I still didn't know if I could trust what Chuckie had said. I knew I had to continue carefully with Yona if I ever stood a chance of getting out. I had observed and studied her moods over the past months but still couldn't quite work out how to manipulate her.

I had so many unanswered questions.

Questions that Chuckie could only answer.

How did he know about Yona?

Why wasn't he getting me out?

Did he actually have a plan?

And most importantly of all...

Where the hell was he?

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