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I snuggled closer to Taes neck and Jungkook tightens his arm around my waist, all while Jimin is on the floor but his head is in my lap as I let his hair with a hum.

I yearn for the others were here with us but I need a stock of pads.

I proceed to pet Jimin ears receiving a rumble and a content sigh from him. Jungkook draws circles on my waist and Tae rests his head on mine.

I adore these boys' so much.


Taes foot-propelled Jimin and Jimin got the message and went to the door. "Hey, we got the stuff" I turn my head around to see Namjoon reddened yet slightly angry face and Yoongi smirking. "Yeah What happened when you guys went out that has Namjoon a living hot-red egg," I say and Hungkook giggles

"Ohh nothing Y/n" a sneaky cat craws up next to us.

Previously on the car ride

Jin is singing to Barbie girl while Namjoon is gazing out the window and Yoongi is almost asleep in the back.

"You know it would have been nice for your help Yoongi" Namjoon grumbles and Yoongi laughs. "Why didn't you help " Namjoon looks back with a pouty face.

"Simple answer Joon, read my lips, I. Didn't. Care" Yoongi says with a taunt and Namjoon growls.

"Quiet you too, you ruining my song" Jin looked at the both of them and then looked back at the road.

"Anyway Namjoon quick question," Jin says as he makes a left into the community.
"What is it Hyung" Namjoon responds while he plays with his sweater paws.

"What's your favorite snack" and Namjoon was quick to respond but he wasn't thinking. "Easy Y/n. Wai-"

The almost asleep cat is now suddenly awake wheezing his lungs out

Back to the present.

"Okay, do-owwwww" craps feel like shitttt. I try to stay positive but it hurts like hell. I hear Jimin Tae and Jungkook whine bedside me. "It's ok boys it's just" I feel like I'm pregnant and have contractions. I lean on my other side and I see Jin rush to the medicine cabinet.

I'm now laying on Taes legs and my bottom is situated on Jungkook while Jimin I rubbing his face in my neck and giving it little licks. "Jimin I know you're trying to comfort her but Licking Isn't Necessary" Yoongi hiss's out. And I reach a handover and pet Yoongis head. Namjoon was getting the water. Hopefully, he won't demolish it.

"Here Y/n" Jin gives me the pills and took the cup from Joon. He was walking so slow trying not to spill anything. "It should work within a couple minutes" I nod towards Namjoon.

"Thanks, guys but can have my pads now," I ask trying to be okay. God wtf do we need cramps for.  Couldn't the egg just go out fast with no problem?

"Here your pads"Yoongi takes them then picked me up to only drop me in the bathroom. Not literally cause I would kill him but I know he thought of it. "Thanks, Yoongi" I kiss his cheeks and let the once pale as sugar man turned red like a tomato. I close the door and giggle.

I set my pads on the counter and search or the max one. I tend to have heavy periods. I grab one and put it on and put the leftover pads under the sink for tomorrow.

I walk out and I see Namjoon in my room.
"Hey Namjoon what's up baby," I say and I walk up to him, dodging all of my dirty clothes on the floor. "I want to cuddle" he whines and attaches to me, who wouldn't want a cute Namjoon idling them. "Sure let's go to sleep"

He picks me up and I rest my head on his shoulder. I mean in to smell his scent and boy does it smell good. I here his tail waging an I feel the sheets around me now.

I readjust and now I'm laying on his stomach- I mean abs, and he smiles down. I close my eyes and hum. Namjoon raps his arms around me and holds me close as we fall asleep listening to the consistent sounds of the fan.  

A/n did you guys see Persona, if not here you go

First, how can you not see it was number one on trending science it got out with 10 million views.

Can we appreciate the art and all the hidden messages in the background? Ugghjjh it's so good.

First how can you not see it was number one on trending science it got out with 10 million views.

Can we appreciate the art and all the hidden messages in the background. Ugghjjh it's so good

Claws (BTS Hybrid x Female Reader) Complete Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin