7 part 2.

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And it was JHope. Jimin whined a little bit than snuggled into my neck harder. "It's my turn Jimin~~~" whined JHope and I just sat there not knowing what to do.

"Come on Jimin, you had your time, now it's mine," JHope said with his arms crossed but he still had a slight smile. Jimin mumbles something in my neck but eventually got up and left.

JHope made me sit in his lap. What's with me sitting in there lap I feel like I am being bossed what to do but oh well what am I going to do I can easily feel they can overpower me like have you seen Jungkooks arms like wow.

"Yeah, it's just you and me" JHope stayed and he rubs his head on my collar bone and he plays with my ears. And his tail wagging furiously. "I am sorry the way we acted Y/n but that man didn't smell good on you. And we are very territorial of our masters " JHope said the last part in a deep voice which I can admit it did give my goodbyes but they were only jealous right or does Mark really stink idk.

After scent, he just hugged my ribs and we swayed a little on the couch. I hear the door open and see Jungkook.

"C-Can I scent now?" Jungkook asked very shyly, he usually is not like this but I guess when it comes to this stuff he is. "Sure" as Jhope left he gave a pat in Jungkook shoulder for assurance.

JHope left and Jungkook made me sat on his lap. He slowly started to rub his ears on my neck and then lick my cheek. He then went close to my ears and rubbed his cheek on them. He is being sweet right now. Jungkook rubbed my arms but not like Namjoon did this one was sweet.

"Do you want to cuddle until the next one comes in?" I ask and he nods. "Thank you Y/n for everything that you have done for us I thought you we might not be even breathing so we feel even more protective over you since you care about us and that makes my hyungs and I care about you" I giggle and hug Jungkook tighter.

After Jungkook Tae scented me and he seemed pretty normal he just rubbed his face all over my neck and he cuddled my side rib. All the boys are too cute.

Now here is the one that might be very demanding. Yoongi and don't get me wrong he is a soft little squishy panther in the inside but on the outside, he can be tough like an alpha.

Yoongi comes in with his tall swaying and ears alert. "Now Y/n I love you and all but what you did today wasn't right and you set me and the boys off, so now you put us in a situation where we have to scent you and I am one of the most dominant out of all the boys" I only nod and look at him in the eyes.

The eyes of a predator hunting for its prey.

"Yes I understand Yoongi but he is only a friend"

"Still talking about him I see" Yoongi goes to the edge of the couch and stares at me with cold dark eyes. "Well get up," he said and I follow his instructions. Yoongi sat where I was sitting and he pulled me to his lap and started to rub his head all over my neck. I think his smell will be the most prominent due to all of his scenting.

"Yoongi are you ok," I ask and only got a grunt in response. Yoongi than rubs his head on my face and his tail wrap around my arm. Ok, he is very territorial noted.

Once he finished he looked at me in the eyes and then smiled. It's his gummy smile. I can only respond with one of my own. "You done" I giggle and he smiles and cuddles to me while rapping his tail around my waist protectively. "Sleep," he said and I did just that.

A/n hello my beautiful people are you enjoying the story, I will try to post on weekend like I have been doing but my math teacher is giving me so many assignments online and it's due today. I love you all and watch the video.

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