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The boys leave the car and I get out. I checked my pockets and I have my wallet and phone. Good. Now my keys are- " Look Y/n, it's a roller coaster!" I see Tae smiling and next thing I know I am being dragged to the entrance. "Can I GO on it plsssss " Tae hugs me and I see the boys staring at me. "Sure," I say with an equal smile and JHope pouts

"Okay, Guys get in groups," I say but I still notice that Hobie has a pout. I gently yank my arm From Tae only to hear a whine. Lol, I love this kid.

I walk over to Hobie and his take is slowly brought back to life as he is happy I am coming over next to him. "Hobie what's the matter," I ask and pet his head ignoring the whiney hybrids and people giving looks at us because I look as if I am rubbing his hair in public "Hobie is scarred"

Yoongi teases and JHope pouted more but smiled again because of the little head rubs. "Now Yoongs be nice to your brother or no head pets for a week" I hear a grunt and muttering but I let him be. Hobie looked happy but something is still the matter. "Before we were interpreted, why are you scared" I hug Hobie and fall into my neck. "I don't like roller coasters."

I giggle and whisper to in his ear. "I don't either but I am doing it for you guys" I look back at the boys and they are still staring at us. "Okay Guys I have Hobie as my partner, does everyone else have one too" I smile and they all nod.

We all ran well except Yoongi who was being dragged by Jimin, we ran to the stand and waited in line until we got on

2 minutes later of screaming and Yoongis giggles.

Wow that was scary and I am pretty sure my hair looks like a porcupine but whatever, I think Jhope almost peed his pants because he looked petrified and he was holding on my hand so tight. I look down at my hand to see its swollen. I hear feet stems behind me and I see the guys getting out.

Jin and Namjoon looked like if they were gonna throw up, they were leaning on each other for support walking to me like drunk people. "If you need us Y/n we will be in the bathroom stall you guys can g-get food or so-something but yeah" I laugh and pat their back and they smiled. But it was replaced quickly by worried looks and they booked it to the bathroom.

Next was Tae and Jungkook, they looked fine and they were laughing. I guess nothing can beat the maknae and the boxy smiles. Wait wtf am I saying. God I think I need to get my head check.

Oh well.

"Hey Guys How was the ride" I smile and they laugh. "I-t was great did you hear Jin's screams it was hilarious," Tae explained as his right hand reached to wipe off his tears. I am not going to lie I did giggle a bit when I heard the scream but I ain't gonna tell them that. "Well I am glad you guys had fun now can you go find a seat somewhere because we are going to wait for Namji- I mean Namjoon and Jin before we get to go play games then more rides," I tell the two and they nodded and saluted me. I can never get enough with these two.

Then I see an unbelievable sight, it


Jimin with Yoongi who fell asleep in his back. Me being the concerned person I run over. "What happens to Yoongi we were fine a second ago," I ask and Jimins little giggles made me worry less and smile. "Hyung fell asleep on the coaster in the middle, I don't think he past out I just think he was bored" my mouth opens so quickly you can't even see how fast it dropped.

"He slept through it how- you know what I am not going to ask, go wait by Jungkook and Tae please so we can wait for Namjoona and Jin," I say and he left.

Personally, I wanted to get something for myself because why not. I wanted to get a bracket from the Crain machine. (A/n I am really good at those games)

I looked at my watch and ran over there. I bumped into some people but no of course apologized.

You might be thinking why is she rushing. Well, I want to get the best items and why did you think I will not run. Is it weird to you that I run to a little kids game? If you think that's weird then why am I thinking in my head as if I am talking to another person hmmm?

No response

I guess not.

God, I am such a dweeb.

When I finally see the holy grail with lights and prizes inside my happiness was short lived. There was a person winning some items already. And it looks as if it's a girl.


WITH .....

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