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I was cleaning and scrubbing the ground since Tae had spilled some type of tea over it; does this man even like Tea. I will never know, but why is this tea not coming out of my WHITE carpet, I Don't FREAKIN KNOW.

"Oh hey, Y/n what ya doing " I turn around gradually while still scrubbing the dark spot on my flooring, I see Jungkook standing. There he stands with his ripped blue jeans and a white shirt. Such a basic but yet exquisite style.

"I'm cleaning this Tea Spill, THat TAE SHOULD BE CLEANING!" We stop talking, the room was filled with silence. Then a sudden thud came from upstairs and the next thing we know is a Tae wearing underwear and a cape jumping down from the stairs. "I'm sorry human but I don't clean Tea, I spill it" I shake my head and continue cleaning.

These boys will never learn, will they? "Hey Jungkook can you get a cup of hot water," I ask will I am still scrub the flooring. If I don't get jacked after this then I don't know what will.

"Nuuuuuu" I hear Jungkook say as he curls himself in a ball by me, but his arm is around my waste. The freak is wrong with them. "Why can't you Kookie," I ask and place the sponge in the bucket land look back at Jungkook. "I would have to leave you and I don't want to do that" I giggle and pet his little chinchilla ears.

"Okay baby"

I continue what I'm doing. Once done Jungkook was already asleep so I got Jimin to put him into bed. "Y/n!" I hear Jin's voice. What's the matter with him, he sounded worried. I put the bucket away and dry my hands. Fixing my shorts I leave the kitchen to only enter the living room. I see Namjoon, Jin, and Hobie and Suga huddled in a circle discussing something. 

I walk behind them and then force myself in the circle. "It hurts to see my babies making a cult without me" I put my hand on my hear door dramatic effect and Jin's laughter fills the room but the others not so much.
Jezz, good to know the joke was funny.

I giggle and the boys didn't laugh at all. Was my joke not funny? No, I'm a funny person. Jin taught me all I know.

I look back up to see Namjoon holding a card. And in it is the same stamp from the other letter we got a week ago. "What does it say," I ask in a serious voice.

The boys give me a blank look and then Suga spoke up. "Y/n, can you tell me what this is about and who is this man saying last warning" I felt a hot tear spilled out of my eye on the carpet below and I'm suddenly pulled into a warm hug.

My body shakes from sobs as they leave my mouth. "He-He is my F-Fa-father Yoongi" I cry out as Hobie tightens his hold on me, he kisses my head and rubs my back as I sob.

"Can you talk about it Pumpkin?" Jin says as he joins the hug. I nod into Hobies shoulder and slowly sit down on the floor. "Littles you can get in here" I hear footsteps from the stairs and before me stands a tired but yet worried Jungkook, a concerned Jimin and Tae in his I draws and Cape. I giggle at the bunch but then quickly stop remembering what is happening.

"I guess I do owe you an explanation"I sighs and Namjoon nods.

"So it all began


A/n hehe, I'm an evil author

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