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BF/n is best friend name and you can play the song if you like

"BF/n open the fricken frackle door up before I kick it down" It seems like I am talking to a wooden door but I know BF/n is here. One her car is parked and I heard music blasting from her window before I came here. She was playing some Kpop.

It's the love shot
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana
Na nanana nananana
Oh oh oh oh oh
It's the love shot
Na nanana nananana
Na nanana nanana

I step back and look at her window to see her looking down at me with a smirk. What do I have to do now?  "Well well well look who it is, it's y/n the CHOCOLATE STEALER" ohh she still mad about that aye. Look I might have rated her Pantry one time and eaten all of her food. But hey I was on my period so it's ok.  I think

"Look BF/n I am sorry and that was literally a YEAR ago" I stare at her as she had a smirk turned into a shocked face. "You can't replace food" she pouted and I laughed. "Any way how about you let me in and I will buy some bomb pizza how does that sound. " I raise my eyebrow and she laughed.

"AYE that's my girl I will be down in a second" and that is why we are friends.

I step to the door again and once I reached the final step I am slammed into my friend's chest as she hugs me to death. "Y/n~ it's been too long where the flick were you" God damm I swear I am either weak or she can be arm wrestler. And wasn't she mad about me eating her food a second ago? Oh well

"I'll tell you inside now stop k-killing me" I beg and she finally got the hint. "Oops sorry but don't forget your ordering pizza." This girl never plays when it comes to her food. And I mean never.

Like one time in highs school, a girl took one of her fries on her tray and she tackled them to the floor and punched them, then she took the fry and ate it and left.

"Ya ok ok" she dragged me inside her house as I am welcomed by a little cat perched on a scratching post. I walk over and met her. "What's her name" I pet behind her ears and she basically falls into my hand. "Her name is CoCo, she is such a sweet girl I got her off the streets and ever since then I had been taking care of her" I awed and then picked the cat and snuggled her to my neck.

I sit on the black couch getting ready to tell my story.

"So here is what happened"

29 minutes later

"Girl I cant beveled they did that. I expected hybrids to be are territorial but damm. It's as if they were you boyfriends And any minute latter they could have gotten there doc- I mean stick stuck in the wrong hole. " I blush at her last statement. 

"I know but I love them" I admit, and I do love them all, I find them all admiring in their own way

"Chika if you ever need a place to hide," Bf/n said as she picks up the last slice of pizza. " I am always here" I nod and checked my watch.

"Damm I got to get going, bye girl" I pet the cat and she licked me then I hugged Bf/n and left.

I ran to my house panting like I just ran a marathon and I slide my key in and I was tackled to the ground. I feel arms hold me or kill me around my waste. "NEVER LEAVE US like that again angle" I hear a familiar voice say and I look down to see Jimin bawling his eyes into my chest.

"Never baby" I massage his ears and he relaxes but his grip never loosens. "Y/N!" I hear a shout and I am lifted into Tae arms and a growl from Jimin. Unleashed. "I missed you so much" I feel tears drop in my neck as Tae cry's in there. "Boys lets go inside" I pat Tae head and he kissed my neck then let me go.

"Guys I am home!" I then hear a roar and then get tackled to the couch by a panther. "Hi Yoongi, sorry you guys were here alone," I say and I kiss his head as he watches the others the relaxed into my neck.

"Y/Nieeee WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE US, did you not want us" Hobie did and now it's my turn to cry.

"Guys no matter what I will always love you it's just that the choker and the claiming was too much. Ya know" I sob and Yoongi licks my cheek purring trying to make me completely comfortable.

"It's ok just warn us next time" Namjoon and Jin come down the stairs and Jin is holding Jungkook. They all have red noses and the just made me cry more.  "Let's watch a movie guys," I say and make room on the couch. 

Jimin got a blanket and rolled himself with Yoongi and Hobie into a burrito. Namjoon and Jin cuddled and Tae and Jungkook snuggled to my side as they hold hands across my stomach. "Y/n why do you smell of another hybrid" Jungkook questioned and I just put my hands on His lips.

And man were they soft.

Until I felt a nibble and I shrieked. "Ok I went to my friend's house and she has a cat named CoCo end of story" I didn't know her cat was a hybrid. Hmmm. I need to have a long conversation with her tomorrow. Maybe I can make her buy me food in return or get out of shopping. Yay!

" Ok just don't pet her anymore. You can only pet us" I hear a growl in agreement from Jimin but the man did the growling sound like a baby pup trying to challenge an Alpha.  Aww, I love them so much. 

I look at Yoongi and looked like his is glaring at the tv

"Yoongs what's the matter," I ask and he just made a grunt and a mad sounding chuckle. I get up from my spot with Jungkook and Tae displeasure with and I walked to Yoongi and sat Down. "Hey bud what's wrong," I ask as I play with his fingers.

Yoongi didn't respond so I got up dragged the lazy cat and walked into the kitchen. Yoongi finally looks and me and gives me a very cold look. "You left us for another" he pouts and I could do anything but aww.  "Yoongi If I didn't leave you all would have pounded me so I had to escape" I know it's weird saying that but what else and I going to say, you guys wanted to have sex with me or for me into sex. I will not say that to little yoongs.

Yoongi just nodded his head and I gave him a hug. "Nuuu"  Yoongi said and slightly pushed me but I can tell he didn't want to let go.

"I don't want the hug" I giggle at his remarks and I giggle next to his ear. "I don't care," I say and rubbed his ear then left to sit back with Jungkook and Jimin.

Slowly one by one the guys moved from there past spots to next to our little cuddle fest of gloom, Jimin and I.

And For the rest of the day, we just watched the movie and snuggled until we fell asleep.

Claws (BTS Hybrid x Female Reader) Complete Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz