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Madame Wolfy was asleep in her big, queen size bed. "They don't care for you Wolfy. You know that right?" said a mysterious woman's voice. "Shut up! You don't know them! Leave me alone!" Wolfy said screaming. The mysterious woman laughed that would send chills down your spine. "Neither do you. Let's face it they're only nice to you because your 'royalty', but they don't know the truth on that do they?" "SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" Wolfy screamed at the top of her lungs. The woman went to her and said, "I don't think so because its time for us to play." In a flash Wolfy is shown images of dark things happening. Madame Wolfy woke up in a cold sweat and then she laughed as the same spine chilling way as the mysterious woman in her nightmare.

To be continued in  Discordnia Book 2: A Wolf's Unguarded Heart

Discordnia Book 1: The Lone KnightWhere stories live. Discover now