Chapter 10

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Anthony, Mischief, Wolfy, and Tem headed to the Dragon Tamer's hideout where Anthony can get rid of Dramafina. It is evening time and they all hear a growling noise. "What's that sound?" Anthony said in full alert. Everyone looked around until they heard the sound coming from Tem's pet. "Aww his stomach is growling. Are you hungry Ch'ito?" Tem asked. Ch'ito nodded and rubbed his stoma. "Well then we should all get some food in us and camp here for the night." said Wolfy. "I'm gonna go hunt for food. Anthony and Mischief you get some wood for the fire. Tem you take care of getting Ch'ito some food and while your at it grab some stuff for your magic medicines." "Yes Madame!" The boys said in unison.Wolfy transformed in her wolf form and headed out to hunt some food for everyone. Meanwhile Tem was grabbing some food pellets for his pet while mixing up some magic medicine potions. Anthony and Mischief went out to find some loose barks of wood to make a fire. "I wish we didn't have to camp out because it feels like another night wasted!" Anthony said irritated. "Hey relax man! Everything is fine and besides we can't argue with her. She's The Pack Leader! said MischiefAnthony knew this, but he just wants to get his mission done so he can be with his family mainly thinking about James. Thinking about how he's doing? How his training is coming along? And if he's okay?Mischief and Anthony return back with the wood. "Oh good you're back! Just in time too because I caught us some fish that are ready to cook!" Wolfy said with pride. Mischief went to get the fire started while Anthony was looking at the fish. He feels there is something missing to them.Anthony walked over to Tem and asked, "Hey TemTem! Do you happen to have any spices or juices now would you?" Tem looked in his bag and pulled out some rosemary, sage, and a lemon. Anthony grabbed them and the bowl Tem used, to mix up his potions, and put the rosemary and sage inside all crumpled up. He then sliced the lemon in half and squeezed the juice inside the bowl. "Anyone have a wooden spoon?" Anthony asked. Mischief went inside his bag and pulled out a spoon for him.Anthony used the spoon to mix up the ingredients inside the bowl. Anthony took the bowl to where the fishes were at and started marinating them. Wolfy watches him in awe. "You know how to cook?" Wolfy asked as Anthony was putting the fishes on sticks. "Yes I do! I help my mom in the kitchen when I come home, but before that when I was young my grandmother would teach me and I would cook with her as well." Anthony answered cooking the fishes by the fire.The fishes were done cooking Android everyone got ready to eat. They all took a bite and said, "This is delicious!" Anthony chuckled and said, "Thank you! I thank my grandmother everyday for giving me the art of cooking!" Everyone laughed and chatted for a little bit until their energy was failing. "Welp I'm going to get some sleep right now." Mischief said stretching and yawning. He goes over and leans on a rock and is fast asleep. "Yeah I'm going to do the same. Come on Ch'ito!" Tem said with his pet following to lay on the ground underneath a tree. All there was remaining was Anthony and Wolfy.Anthony turned around to see Wolfy keeping the fire going. "Wolfy you should sleep like the others." Anthony said sitting next to her by the fire. "That's very sweet of you to be concern of me, but I'm alright! I'm not even tired to be honest." Wolfy said while giving a little laugh. They sat in silence for awhile until Wolfy asks, "Why aren't you getting some sleep?" "I barely sleep anymore. Too much to do and so little time to do it."Anthony realized this was the perfect opportunity to ask Wolfy some questions about why she is out here and not with her Pack and other things about her. "So what are you doing out here and not back at your hideout leading your Pack?" Anthony asked. "I am here because I was training Zak to see if he is pack material." Wolfy answered. "But he's not a wolf nor human he's an Alaskan Malamute. Why let him in?" "For starters Zak is human. He's half human half dog, but his dog form took over his human side. And I want to let him in because he has potential."Anthony knew what question to ask next, but doesn't know if he should. "You look like you want to ask something, but don't at the same time." said Wolfy reading Anthony's facial expressions. Feeling trapped Anthony asked, "What happened to the male Pack Leader?" Wolfy looked at the fire with a sad expression. "The male Pack Leader, my father, passed away in his sleep 6 years ago. Instead of my older sister getting the title Pack Leader I got it even though I'm young." Wolfy answered. "How come your sister didn't get it?" "My sister is taking care of her daughter at the moment and my sister needs to give her full attention doing that."Anthony heard and listened to this and said, "I can't imagine losing a father. I'm truly sorry." Wolfy looked at him with a smile. "Thank you, but I just tell myself he is with me in spirit." said Wolfy. "Yup! Your spirit animal!" Anthony said. Wolfy and him laughed at his statement that Wolfy cherished because he made something that would of been sad and made her laugh. They end up talking some more which would end up being till morning.

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