Chapter 20

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Mischief and Madame Wolfy made it over to Tem. Tem looked at Wolfy and said, "Madame I healed up the guard's wounds, but I think their in a coma." "Thank you Tem. I'll take care of this." Wolfy said as she kneels down at the guards. She took out her crystal necklace and put it in the guards hands. A white aura surrounds them and just like that the guards vanished. Mischiefs eyes were wide. "What was that? And where did the guards go?" Mischief asked very lost. "I sent them back to The Pack hideout, so they can be safe there." said Madame Wolfy. As she was trying to walk she got dizzy. "Woah Wolfy are you okay?!" Mischief asked holding her up with Tem on the other end. Tem looked at Mischief with an answer, "Madame Wolfy's crystal is powerful, but there are certain abilities that causes her to lose her energy. She'll feel dizzy and light headed, but right now she needs to be careful of using her crystal because she's already injured." "I know Tem, but they needed to be safe, so if it means me giving up some energy to keep them safe, then so be it." Madame Wolfy said. "Right now we need to be with the others, so let's go!" Mischief and Tem listened to Madame Wolfy's orders and headed to Ginger, May, and Zak.

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