Chapter 13

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Sir Anthony finally made it to Mediamountain. Mediamountain is 10,000 feet high, but he would only need to climb halfway because he could see Dramafina's tail hanging down from the mountain. "Didn't want to be on the top of the mountain I see. She must be asleep in a cave which is fine by me because it'll be easy to kill you." Anthony said to himself. Anthony started to climb up the mountain. As he was climbing he kept having flashbacks of him and James as children. He sees them playing together and laughing. Anthony stops climbing and sits on a rock trying to collect on what just happened. "What was that just now? Why am I having those flashbacks?" Anthony shakes it off and starts climbing again.

      Anthony climbs for about an hour now. As he kept climbing he now had a flashback of Sir Christian and Sir Jordan of them having a knights out at the pub for a drink. They were celebrating on Sir Anthony's twenty successful missions he has done for Empress Lethal. "Good job Anthony! Coffeigton is safe for another day thanks to you." Sir Christian said holding up his wooden cup in the air. "Yeah great job! I hope someday we will make it to twenty!" Sir Jordan said taking a drink. "Don't worry guys you will whenever the Empress gives you that many missions and they all become successful." Sir Anthony said putting his arms around them both.

As they were laughing James comes over to their table to get Anthony. "Excuse me brother! I apologize to interrupt, but the Empress needs to see you immediately. Something about a dangerous mission for you." Anthony gets up from the table. "Thank you brother! I will head there immediately. Will you be home early than me?" "No because father is giving me some knight training for a few hours, so he and I will be home late." "Well you know mother would want father and you to be home by dinner." "Yes of course we will be." "Alright well I'm heading to the castle I will see you three later." Anthony said as he rushed out of the pub.Anthony sits on another rock to collect his thoughts. "I-I don't understand why this is happening to me. Why am I having these flashbacks?" Anthony just sits on the rock with his hands on his head. While he was sitting he got another flashback. It was the night when him and Madame Wolfy were the only two awake and they were talking in front of the campfire."So I see how this scroll says to locate me because I know someone who knows where the dragon is." Wolfy said reading over the scroll correcting Anthony on his choice of words earlier in the day. "I apologize for messing up my words. It's been a long journey these few days." Anthony said while rubbing his eyes. Wolfy puts away the scroll in her apprentice's traveling bag. "That's understandable. Especially going to do a mission by yourself of this caliber has to be tough." Wolfy said poking the fire. Anthony looks at her and says, "I have dealt with harder missions than this and I have done it on my own with no help." Wolfy gave a look of confusion. "But you let a thief help you with this mission?" "Mischief kind of showed up out of nowhere. He tried to steal from me, but once I showed him who I was he gave up fighting. I made him show me where your pack's hideout is."Wolfy lets out a light chuckle. "The way you met Mischief is kind of the same way The Pack and I met him, but instead of threatening him information from him we took him in because he had nothing." Madame Wolfy said with a smile. "I think I know why you don't want anyone to help you with your missions." said Wolfy. Anthony looked at her and said, "Why?" "Because you are afraid they will get hurt or worse be dead. Am I right?" Anthony was silent. Wolfy lets out a yawn. "Well I'll take your silence as a yes, but I am going to get some sleep." Anthony looked at her and said, "Goodnight Wolfy! Sweet dreams." Wolfy looked at him and answered back, "You too."Anthony shook off the flashback and started to climb to the halfway mark of the mountain. He still sees the tail of the dragon and realizes that something was up. Dramafina hasn't moved an inch for the past few hours.
        Anthony is thinking that maybe someone else came and killed her or she is very fast asleep. He climb to the cave area to see if she's dead or alive. He got to the cave and realized the tail was a fake tail. It was a bunch of stones and rocks to make it look like a tail. Anthony was confused until he heard someone in the cave."Who is there?! Come out of the shadows!" Sir Anthony yelled at the figure. The figure steps out of the shadows and into the sunlight. Anthony's eyes widened as he couldn't believe he was here. "James?" Anthony said with a confused look. "Hello brother! Nice of you to finally drop by." James said with a mischievous grin.

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