Chapter 7

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This art is Madame Wolfy made by TemTem.

Anthony has just fallen down the hill where it knocked him out. "Hmm Hm Hmm." "A woman humming? Is it an angel? Am I dead?" Anthony thought. He began to open his eyes to wake up. "Thank goodness you are awake!" said the woman. "Morning! How are you feeling right now?" Anthony got up and looked around him to know where he was at. "I'm fine just a little stiff. What happened and where am I?" Anthony asked. "You must of lost your footing climbing down the rocky hill. We heard your scream when you fell, so my apprentice and I brought you to our campsite where the medic was to heal you." she saidAnthony was in a daze and trying to figure out everything that happened. "If I may ask, what made you climb down the rocky hill at late at night?" the woman asked Anthony. "I did it because I needed to find apparently The Pack's leader, Madame Wolfy, so I can get information for my mission." Anthony said with the feeling of a sharp pain on his left eye. "Oh geez, it looks like the medic forgot to take care of this scar down your eye. Here I'll wipe up the blood." the woman said getting the wet cloth. She gently wipes the blood off.There was something about her that Anthony couldn't figure out, but it was a nice, warm feeling. "May I ask what's a hot girl like you doing out here?" Anthony complimented the woman. She looked at him in shock and replied, "Well first of all your wrong at calling me that and secondly I am here to train my apprentice to see if he is ready to be in The Pack. she said with a smile on her face.Anthony had to think for a second until he realized who she was. "Wait a minute, are you Madame Wolfy?!" Anthony asked in shock. "Yes I am! Did you not see my white wolf ears through my hair?" Wolfy said with a slight laugh. Anthony was such in a dazed from his fall he didn't even notice. He kneeled down in front of Wolfy and said, "Pardon my rudeness Madame Wolfy, but I did not notice it was you." "Oh please enough with the formalities. You don't have to apologize. You fell down a hill its alright and you can just call me Wolfy." she said with a smile. Anthony got up to his feet. "So what's your name stranger and what business do you have with me?" Wolfy asked. "My name is Sir Anthony of Coffeigton and I come to you from your cousin Empress Lethal."Anthony handed Wolfy a scroll that explained Anthony's mission. "Ahh okay. Well I knew she would send someone, but you came really quickly then I expected." said Wolfy. "By the way Wolfy...your still hot to me." Anthony complimented her because he felt like he needed to. "Well thank you! Your actually the first person to call me that!" Wolfy said with a flushed smile. Anthony was shocked and was about to say something, but.... "Hey let me go!" said a voice in distressed. "That came from my camp!" Wolfy said as she put the scroll in her mouth, so she can turn into her wolf form. She was a pure white wolf with blue eyes. Anthony ran behind her getting ready to fight!

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